Expecting parents can get midwife support at IMPACT

Did you know you can access prenatal and postnatal care with IMPACT Community Services’ Foundations for Life program?

Each fortnight a midwife comes to IMPACT to answer any questions you and your partner may have about pregnancy and parenting in a one-on-one session.

The midwife can perform physical checks, take measurements, and has a doppler, a machine which can enable you to hear the baby’s heartbeat.

After you have had your baby, the midwife can do in-home visits for up to six weeks.

The aim of the Foundations for Life program is to improve access to high quality and appropriate antenatal and postnatal care for vulnerable and at-risk women aged under 25 years and their partners in the Bundaberg region.

IMPACT’s Positive Start Parenting team leader Lesley Allen said the midwife gives wonderful advice and was very knowledgeable.

She said having the individual sessions with the same midwife can create a greater sense of reassurance, less chance of conflicting information, and a stronger rapport.

Lesley said parents feel safe being able to speak with a midwife at IMPACT.

She said this program was a great opportunity to ask any questions you or your partner might have early on in the pregnancy journey.

As part of the program, IMPACT hosts educational forums covering all things parenting. In the past there have been forums on bathing a baby, dental hygiene, and introducing solid foods to a child’s diet. The next forum will cover Baby massage.

The Child Health team has assisted the Foundations for Life program in providing parents with Pepe-Pods which provide a safe co-sleeping setup for parents and new-born babies.

For more information about this group phone 4153 4233.

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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