IMPACT's Community Hub: a one-stop-shop of service providers

Providing documentation or receiving advice from multiple service providers can be a time consuming and exhausting process.

Visiting one provider after another can take hours, if not days or weeks to complete, depending on one’s available time.

That’s why IMPACT Community Services has decided to host a Community Hub.

The aim of the Community Hub is to bring Bundaberg services together in one place to work collaboratively and provide a one stop shop for mutual clients.

IMPACT’s Support Services Manager Sandra Higgins said the hub will prove a huge time saver for people and allow the community to streamline service delivery.

“Having assisted clients for many years though my varied roles, I have witnessed how time consuming it can be going from one service to another, filing out a variety of forms and needing to copy and attach documentation,” Sandra said.

“By being able to do this all in one place as well as having the facility to copy and scan documents while you are here, will cut down the running around for clients and the wait times to get forms lodged or to find out information.

“We see that members of the community will benefit from this service by being able to come and get any information, forms and soft introductions to services that they may not be aware of but could utilise, and the support services will be able to network and exchange information on each other’s programs and services, so it’s a win/win all round.”

IMPACT's Community Hub to provide easy access to multiple organisations

The services in attendance will work collaboratively with each other to make it easier for people to access services and gain the help and support that they need.

“We are trying to make things a bit easier for people that may have mobility issues or not have access to transport,” Sandra said.

“We have a bus stop right at our front door so come over at take advantage of a one stop shop for services.

“If this is successful for people, we hope to attract more service providers and build a convenient community access point for service delivery.”

The Community Hub will host its first meet on Thursday May 6, and continue on the first Thursday of each month moving forward.

So far in attendance will be Wellways, Wide Bay Sexual Health, B Transformed Health & Fitness, Central Queensland Indigenous Development, Step Up Step Down service, a free legal service, Meals on Wheels, Carers Gateway, the Department of Housing, a Justice of the Peace to witness documents, and two financial counsellors, one from Uniting Care and the other from The Salvation Army.

IMPACT’s Community Navigators will also be on hand to assist people with filling in forms or directing any queries people might have.

If you are interested in attending, click here to register or phone 4153 4233 today.

This service has been established by IMPACT as it continues its work to improve lives in the Bundaberg region.

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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