New iMage Laundry Earns ‘People and Planet First’ Verification

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New iMage Laundry has proudly received ‘People and Planet First’ verification from the Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF), a recognition that affirms its commitment to social and environmental excellence.

As a purpose-driven venture within IMPACT’s social enterprise portfolio, New iMage Laundry goes beyond providing professional commercial laundry services—it serves as an employment pathway for vulnerable individuals in the Bundaberg community.

“We are thrilled and honoured to receive this verification from SEWF,” said Brendan Laws, Manager of New iMage Laundry.

To be People and Planet First verified, an organisation must prioritise purpose, people, and planet over profit in operational decisions as it works to solve a social and/or environmental problem through a self-sustaining revenue model that reinvests profits into this purpose.

New iMage Laundry is committed to maintaining the highest standards of operation, continuing to innovate, and deepening its impact on the community and the environment.

"Since opening in 2018, the laundry has employed 72 people that may have otherwise struggled to find meaningful employment, providing them not just with a job, but with a supportive community and sense of belonging," Mr Laws said.

This verification reflects IMPACT's unwavering dedication to driving positive social and environmental change in the local community through its commercial laundry service—proof that business can be a force for good.

Every Tuesday, amidst the steady rhythm of machines at IMPACT Community Services’ New iMage Laundry, you'll find Ann Duffy stationed diligently at her ironing post. At 80 years of age, and with a career spanning an impressive 65 years, Ann has weathered many storms.

Yet, a few weeks ago, she found herself facing a challenge unlike any other. "About four weeks ago I had a complete meltdown," she confides, reflecting on a moment of vulnerability. "I've never been through anything like that before."

In her time of need, Ann turned to Brendan Laws, New iMage Laundry Manager, seeking solace and support. "I came into work on the Tuesday, and I just went to Brendan, and I said, 'I'm in a bad way and I need to talk to someone,'" she recalls.

What happened next is a testament to the remarkable culture of care and support that defines the laundry, and IMPACT more broadly.

Brendan wasted no time. "Fifteen minutes later, he's down at my ironing station and he says, 'I've got the Chaplain, Lynne, coming over to see you in about an hour.'"

"Lynne came and she sat down, and she talked to me. Next thing I know, Brendan's here again after Lynne's gone, and he says I've got Marta (Mental Health Worker from IMPACT) coming to see you. Marta was wonderful."

Ann continued to receive consistent care and guidance. "Every morning Brendan would come in and see how I was," Ann shares. "There's not many companies that would give you that kind of help."

"Brendan is a top boss," Ann affirms. His leadership style, characterised by genuine concern for his team's well-being, sets the tone for the entire workplace. It's an ethos that permeates every aspect of New iMage Laundry—a place where kindness, community, and compassionate leadership is not just corporate speak, but a lived reality.

What sets New iMage Laundry apart is its culture of solidarity and empathy. "Everyone down there does seem to help one another," Ann observes. In this nurturing environment, employees don't just work alongside each other; they support and uplift one another through thick and thin.

Ann's journey is a testament to the transformative power of support. "If I hadn't had the help I got from work, I don't think I could have done it," she acknowledges. “I genuinely mean that.”

Her resilience, coupled with the unwavering backing of her colleagues and management, enabled her to navigate through adversity and emerge stronger.

As Ann looks ahead, she does so with renewed determination. "I'll be ironing for quite a while; I've no intentions of retiring," she declares.

For further information about IMPACT's social enterprise laundry, as well as our diverse array of programs and support services, feel free to reach out to us at 1800 179 233, visit the New iMage Laundry website, or simply complete the Contact Us form.

New Image Laundry has taken a leap forward in its commitment to excellence with the recent installation of a new Dexter T900 washing machine. This addition has not only elevated the laundry's productivity but has also led to an enhanced continuity of service for its valued customers.

The new washing machine is a game-changer for New Image Laundry's operations. With its 25kg capacity and advanced features, the machine has propelled the facility's efficiency to new heights. This has proven particularly significant for meeting the high demands of the bustling hospitality and accommodation sectors, where time sensitivity and impeccable cleanliness are paramount.

New Image Laundry Manager Brendan Laws expressed his enthusiasm for the acquisition of the state-of-the-art appliance: "We are thrilled to introduce the 25kg Dexter T900 washing machine to our facility. This cutting-edge equipment exemplifies our dedication to optimizing our services for our clients, and is currently supporting our business partnerships in the hospitality and accommodation sectors. We're already witnessing a remarkable increase in productivity."

The purchase of the new washing machine, which was made possible by a funding from round two of the Queensland Government’s Social Enterprises Growth Grants has been a pivotal move for the laundry service provider. The improved efficiency resulting from this addition is expected to significantly impact the overall customer experience.

This new washing machine is not just about improving our operations; it's about offering an unparalleled experience to our clients,” Mr Laws said.

New Image Laundry is a commercial laundry and social enterprise owned by IMPACT Community Services. New Image Laundry’s mission is to provide pathways to the open employment market for people facing barriers to employment, and it currently employs 25 people.

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses the power of 'The 5 Whys'.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

This week has been a profound journey into the realm of social innovation, as I had the privilege of sharing my insights at CQUniversity's Lunch and Learn event. As the managing director of IMPACT Community Services, I've witnessed firsthand the incredible power that lies within innovative thinking. In a world that is in a perpetual state of change, embracing the status quo is no longer a viable option.

During my presentation, I introduced the concept of "The 5 Whys," a problem-solving technique that involves asking "why" repeatedly to get to the root cause of an issue, helping us understand the true reasons behind it and find effective solutions.

Take the case of IMPACT's own social enterprise, New iMAGE Laundry, which began as a means to fill a funding gap. At first glance, it appeared to be a straightforward solution. However, when we applied "The 5 Whys" formula, we unearthed something much more significant - the pursuit of autonomy from funding bodies and the creation of employment opportunities for locals facing mental health challenges and disabilities.

By asking "why" repeatedly, we delved deeper into the heart of the issue, exploring its root causes and understanding the broader implications. This discovery prompted a paradigm shift, elevating the purpose of New iMAGE Laundry to new heights, and transforming it into a force of social innovation, empowerment and inclusivity.

But the power of "The 5 Whys" is not limited to those in positions of leadership or authority. It is a tool that can be wielded by anyone, in any setting. Take, for instance, the Solar Cow program, which tackles the issue of child labour in third world countries. On the surface, it sought to incentivise parents to send their children to school by allowing them to charge electronic devices there instead of walking long distances to charge them for their parents.

Yet, as the program implemented "The 5 Whys," it unravelled a more profound revelation - the root cause of children not attending school wasn't solely a matter of charging devices, but rather a complex interplay of socio-economic factors, cultural norms, and educational barriers. This realisation paved the way for a comprehensive approach, addressing the broader issue and creating lasting change.

The power of social innovation lies not in settling for quick fixes but in relentlessly questioning and digging deeper. "The 5 Whys" serve as a compass, guiding us to the heart of challenges and illuminating the path to solutions.

Knowing your true why is essential to drive change, and social innovation and change are intricately interconnected. While some may argue that I don’t deal with change (I’ve been at IMPACT since 1999), the reality is quite the opposite. Since joining IMPACT in 1999, I have witnessed and actively participated in a multitude of transformative events. Within six months of my start, IMPACT experienced a major contract loss, leading to a significant downsizing from over 60 staff members to just 20. This challenging period required us to innovate and find new ways to deliver our services effectively. The journey didn't stop there; we faced further upheaval when the devastating 2013 flood hit the region, leaving us with the daunting task of rebuilding both our organisation and the community we served. Throughout these years, change has been a constant companion, reminding us that adaptability and openness to innovation are essential qualities in making a lasting impact.

Recognising the interplay between knowing our why, social innovation and change has been an important lesson. I have come to understand that social innovation doesn't merely involve developing novel ideas and initiatives; it also demands the ability to embrace change and navigate through uncertainty.

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses making a difference in our community through social enterprise

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

How many businesses do you know that operate with the aim of supporting the community?

 Many have heard of the toilet paper company Who Gives A Crap. Last week I was lucky enough to hear their CEO and co-founder, Simon Griffiths, speak at an event where he spoke candidly about how he launched the company by live streaming from a toilet for 50 hours to pre-sell the first $50k of toilet rolls.

Simon and his co-founders, Jehan and Danny, started Who Gives a Crap in 2012 after learning that 2.4 billion people worldwide don’t have access to a toilet. They wanted to make a difference, so they committed to donating 50% of their profits to build toilets and have now donated almost $11 million!

We must ask ourselves how we can apply this to our own community. Every time we turn on the news, we’re bombarded with stories about homelessness, the rising cost of living and the impact on mental health. The opportunity for social enterprises to make real and tangible differences within our community has never been greater.

IMPACT ventured into social enterprise in 2001, partnering with Bundaberg Regional Council to provide jobs for 24 people with a disability, in addition to creating an environmental impact by reducing waste going to landfill. In 2014, we purchased a small 1.5 tonne a month laundry with a vision of providing jobs for people with disability or mental illness. In 2016, IMPACT accelerated the business building its own commercial laundry, New Image Laundry, which now has the capacity to process up to 80 tonne per month. It now employs over 25 people and has major contracts with The Friendlies Hospital and Blue Care.

Our vision of ‘Improving Lives’ is embedded into the DNA of our business and is directly focused on creating social, cultural and environmental impact. We see the change that can be created when people, particularly those who traditionally struggle to enter the workforce, are provided with an opportunity. Pathways to employment are created, workforce participation rates increase, and people become economically independent. Intergenerational welfare dependence patterns are disrupted.

Social enterprise equals good business.

Have an idea for a social enterprise? Currently, IMPACT Community Services is working with StartSomeGood to host Emerge, a program that will teach you how to transform your ideas into a ready to launch social enterprise.

Reach out if you would like to find out more.

Budding social entrepreneurs will have the chance to learn how to transform their ideas into a ready to launch social enterprise when IMPACT Community Services hosts the Emerge program this month.

IMPACT has partnered with StartSomeGood to Emerge. IMPACT will host the course in a face-to-face environment, allowing participants to benefit from learning alongside other likeminded people while building a local network and sense of community.

Program participants will learn how to take their idea for a social enterprise and develop a plan they can follow step by step to make their idea launch ready.

Social enterprises are organisations that apply commercial strategies to maximise improvements in financial, social and environmental well-being. IMPACT currently runs two social enterprises – New Image Laundry and our Material Recovery Facility.

IMPACT’s General Manager – Innovation, Nathan Spruce, said the program was a fantastic opportunity for budding socially conscious entrepreneurs to be part of a cohort of passionate founders who are on the same journey to design and launch a business that makes a difference within the community.

“IMPACT is excited to be partnering with Emerge to deliver this course, which will save participants time, money and frustration as they learn to organise their thoughts into a business model with thoughtful design for a product or service their customers will love, which generates profit and creates real change on the issues participants are seeking to impact,” Mr Spruce said.

He added: “The course is a fully subsidised program supported by the Social Enterprise Sector Development Grants, so there is no cost to those who take part.”

If you have any questions, please contact Nathan Spruce on 4153 4233.

Explore this opportunity via the website:

Samantha Russell is a proud new mum who works at IMPACT’s New Image Laundry.

Sam is an integral part of the team and has made incredible progress both personally and professionally in the four years since she started work at the laundry.

“Early in my life I developed a panic disorder which was quite hard to deal with. It got so bad I wasn’t comfortable leaving the house,” Sam said.

“Looking back, I was in a really hard spot, but I’m so proud of how far I’ve come.”

New Image Laundry is one of IMPACT’s social enterprises, designed to help people maintain employment by providing a supported working environment.

Laundry manager Daniel Leary said when Sam first started she was quiet, unassuming and had been unemployed for an extended period of time.

“Now, she’s just blossoming,” he said.

“It’s just wonderful to see how Sam’s confidence has grown – both at work and as a Mum but it hasn’t been without its challenges.”

There was a stage where Sam had given up on the ability to work and drive because she was too anxious.

“I thought about how we could help Sam, so I connected her with some of IMPACT’s other programs – Mental Health and the Cooee Group.

“One of our Mental Health Support Workers Wendy Lindeman really took Sam under her wing and guided her through the difficult time.”

Sam said IMPACT and the laundry team were extremely supportive and assisted her to get the help she needed to get back on track.

“The laundry staff are like a second family to me,” she said.

“I know that I’m supported here and that it’s a safe environment that I can come to, even if I’m having a bad day.

“IMPACT has helped me learn new and different skills, develop coping mechanisms and work through my challenges.

“It’s been great to talk to other people who face similar struggles and learn about what they do to cope.”

Danny said Sam has improved immensely over the last few years and is now a Quality Control Supervisor, which plays an important role in the business.

“Sam is great at what she does and is pivotal in ensuring the laundry is maintaining its customer base,” he said.

“Without quality, we don’t have customers and without customers, we don’t have a business.

“Sam is always the one that steps up and helps without being asked, she just takes it on her own shoulders.

“When you look at where Sam was four years ago compared to now, it’s truly a great success.

“Down the track I can see Sam being a wonderful mentor for people working through similar challenges.

“I’m incredibly proud of Sam and am excited to see what the future has in store for her.”

More than 200kg of laundry just became light work at NEW iMAGE Laundry.

The commercial laundry is an initiative of IMPACT Community Services’ which serves Bundaberg and the surrounding areas.

IMPACT’s Laundry manager Daniel Leary said they recently installed two Jensen Washer Extractor 110kg machines.

These Front Loader single pocket machines will essentially double the capacity of the laundry.

“The current wash capacity at the Laundry was 180kg at any given time, with the average cycle being around 45 minutes,” he said.

“The current machines are 40kg, 60kg and 80kg. Meaning that it would take three machines to produce 180kg every 45 minutes.

“These 2 new machines are each 110kg which allows us to process an additional 220kg every 45 minutes.”

Daniel said this equated to a new capacity of 400kgs every 45 minutes.

He said without the new machines the laundry was operating at close to its maximum capacity and this made it difficult to pursue other contracts to drive production and sustainability further.

The new equipment allows the laundry to fine tune its operation, reduce overheads. It now also allows us to drop existing machine out of production for essential maintenance at given times while still maintaining good production levels.

Servicing a range of local aged care facilities, hospitals, medical practices, accommodation outlets and more, the laundry is committed to working to meet all guidelines set by the Australian Standards AS/NZS 4146.2000 for the collection, loading, storage and sorting, disinfecting, washing and delivery of linen.

Daniel said key aspects to commercial washing operations and remaining compliant to medical and aged care standards are Mechanical, Thermal and Chemical disinfection.  

The Mechanical Action is achieved by the engineering of the inner drum and the rigorous tumbling process. The Thermal action is achieved by the injection of steam continually throughout the wash cycle to maintain set temperatures. And the Chemical disinfection is maintained by the computer-controlled injection system which delivers concentrated wash, softening and neutralising chemicals.

Daniel said the washing machines operate up to 80 degrees Celsius depending on the fabrics being processed, while the ironer operates at 180 degrees Celsius and the dryers at 90 degrees Celsius. This will eliminate any pathogens or viruses that may have been in contact with the linen.

The machinery and wash cycles are calibrated each month to ensure that all the above measures are being meet. Importantly, the linen is also pH tested to confirm neutral pH linen was going back to clients. This is particularly important for use in hospitals and aged care facilities were when patients and residents will have contact with linen for prolonged periods.

The machinery was commissioned on June 8, 2022.

Some interesting facts:

Current research suggests that the covid virus cannot withstand temperatures at or above 70°C (158°F). All medical, aged care and accommodation linen at NEW iMAGE Laundry is washed at between 75 and 80 degrees Celsius.

When washing clothes for Bed Bugs or lice, wash cycles above 65 degrees for 10 minutes killed 100% of all life stages. Washing at 40 degrees killed all adults and nymphs, but only 25% of eggs. Therefore, washing clothes for bed bug dis-infestation should be done at the hottest temperatures. Most domestic washing machines will not maintain these temperatures for any period to eliminate these pests.

The extraction process of moisture or final spin cycle by our washing machines is done at 350 G-forces. In comparison, the massive G forces experienced by a space shuttle astronaut at take-off is 3 G, while fighter pilots can only manage up to about 9G for a second or two in a vertical manoeuvre.

NEW iMAGE Laundry is located at 4 Inglis Court, Svensson Heights, and is open 5 days a week from 8am to 3pm.

Want to know how our commercial laundering could benefit your business, visit webpage or call us on (07) 4152 6158.

By Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services' Managing Director

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This weeks Tanya focuses on what older workers bring to the workforce.

At IMPACT Community Services, we pride ourselves on our commitment to fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion. Our values include a focus on celebrating uniqueness, creating a place built on dignity and respect that applauds individuality and where everyone is welcome.

We create regular opportunities to have deliberate conversations about diversity and inclusion and what it means for our organisation. We aim to dig deep, engaging in thought-provoking discussions that challenge our personal beliefs, values and worldviews, in addition to unearthing our unconscious bias.

Unconscious biases are our thought patterns, our mental shortcuts that we create over a lifetime.

Imagine walking into an unlit car park at night in the rain and seeing a stranger approaching in a raincoat and hoodie. We immediately make a snap judgement about that person. We question whether we can trust them, and our body fills with adrenaline as we sense danger and prepare for our flight, fight or freeze response.

These things happen automatically.

New Image Laundry worker Ann Duffy
New Image Laundry worker Ann Duffy

Remember when you first learnt to ride a bike or drive a car. You needed to think through every step logically until learning this new skill became automatic. Once you learn the skill, you can do a complex activity like driving a car without consciously thinking about it.

In a similar way, our unconscious biases support us to navigate a complex social world. The only problem is that these biases can have negative effects. We make snap judgements about others all the time: when we see a figure walking towards us on a dark, rainy night; a person that we pass on the street; the people we work with; a person that we interview for a job.

We construct stereotypes that have been developed over time to make judgements about people every day. These stereotypes can be built from direct personal experience, from other people or via the media. And they can result in many forms of discrimination – too many for us to focus on in one article.

I would however like to touch briefly on age discrimination.

Before sharing a personal story, it is important to note that ageism is not just an issue for older people. It can affect people of any age. However, when directed towards older people, it comes from negative attitudes and beliefs about what it means to be older.

After turning 50 a few months ago, I reflected on a podcast where a woman was lamenting about not being taken seriously at her workplace and remarked “On top of all that, no one in the world sees me anymore because I’m an older woman.”

Whilst her comment was said in jest, the reality is that she was only half joking. Research suggests that it is not uncommon for people over the age of 45 to experience ageism, described by some as a feeling of being invisible.

And then it happened to me.

Standing at the bar of our quiet local sports club, the young man served the person to the right of me and then went to serve the person to the left – even though I had been standing there in his full view for the entire time. 

It is easy to fob this off as an extraordinary, once off, unusual event. Yet, the reality for many over the age of 45, is that this feeling of being ‘invisible’ is age discrimination, and for some, it is not a one-off experience.

And like any form of discrimination, it is unacceptable.

At IMPACT, we have many dedicated, valuable staff working beyond the age of 65: Gwyn Bishop, Tony Cartledge and Ann Duffy, who at the age of 78, informally mentors younger workers at IMPACT’s New Image Laundry.

Each of these incredible people brings a specific skillset that would have been lost if not harnessed to help shape IMPACT’s culture, in addition to supporting us to achieve our vision of Improving Lives.

Age inclusivity makes common sense: cognitive diversity, variety of skills and talents, and a depth of personal experiences to draw from. According to social commentator Jane Caro, “When you discriminate against age you are shooting yourself in the foot. Every older person wants to be taken seriously and treated as an individual.”

Being inclusive of people of all ages is something that we can all do better.

Take notice the next time that you are not valuing someone who is a different in age to yourself.

Be curious and challenge any biases that come up for you.

Ask yourself, ‘What can I learn from this person that will make me a better human being?’

New Image Laundry worker Ann Duffy celebrates her 78th Birthday
New Image Laundry worker Ann Duffy celebrates her 78th Birthday

Most people in their 70s have said goodbye to their working years, are enjoying retirement and might even set off travelling to different parts of the country when possible. 

But retirement couldn’t be further from Ann Duffy’s sights, with the New Image Laundry worker recently celebrating her 78th birthday with her colleagues.  

Despite making numerous offers to resign, Ann continues to turn up for work each day. 


“I just love ironing,” Ann laughed. 

Ann began working at the laundry 16 years ago when it was called Peg and Iron, located at Bundaberg East, and remained on-staff when IMPACT took the business over in 2013. 

“When IMPACT first bought the laundry, I offered to resign, but they wouldn’t let me,” she joked. 

“Then when they moved to this big building (at 4 Inglis Court) I offered to resign again, but they look after me so well.”  

After many years of work, Ann said the key to staying with the laundry was her relationship with the staff. 

“I class the staff here as family,” she said. 

Before the laundry became the busy commercial operation it is today, Ann used to pride herself on being the laundry counsellor and would take the time to talk through any issues the younger workers had. 

“When you get to my age, you’ve been through it all,” she said. 

“Now we’re too busy for that, and IMPACT offers its own counsellors for staff... but they all know I’m here as a listening ear if they need.” 

Ann has worked her way through each role of the laundering process, from doing the washing and folding towels and pillow slips to using the big machines, but has given up the heavy work for a more modest job of ironing garments. 

To celebrate her birthday the whole laundry came to a standstill and celebrated with a morning tea.  

“I’m so blessed really, and I say that a lot, because there are people at my age and even younger who aren’t working,” she said. 

Ann said New Image Laundry was a great place for people with a health concern to gain employment because IMPACT understood that different people have different abilities. 

“If they come here, they’re not going to get pushed to do the top work,” she said. 

“If they can come and do the best they can, that’s what IMPACT seems to accept.” 

And it’s not just the laundry Ann is involved in. 

“If you want to be sociable with IMPACT, I’m even in their ability choir,” she said.  

“We do look after disability people here… and everyone is accepted. 

“IMPACT does a lot for the community, and not just in the disability space but in supporting the whole community in so many ways.” 

To find out more about the many services offered at IMPACT, visit  

New Image Laundry worker Ann Duffy
New Image Laundry worker Ann Duffy

By Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director


At IMPACT we pride ourselves on our inclusive culture.

Our ethos is based around helping people realise their potential and providing avenues to assist them in reaching their goals.

Our services range from family support, training, employment, mental health and disability support, just to name a few.

But one area of our organisation I am deeply proud of are the opportunities we have created for assisted employees.

The Material Recycling Facility (MRF) employs 23 NDIS participants, and our New Image Laundry is another avenue for supported staff.

Many of our supported employees have not held jobs prior to working at IMPACT and found it difficult to become employed.

See IMPACT's NDIS services here

Yesterday, December 3, was the International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPD), with this year’s theme being “Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World”.

Everyone has been affected by Coronavirus in one way or another, and now as we focus on returning back to “normal”, I would urge people to consider what “normal” should look like.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2018 almost 50% of employed people with a disability reported experiencing unfair treatment or discrimination due to their disability from their employer.

Two in five reported that they experienced unfair treatment or discrimination due to their disability from their work colleagues.

This data shows Queenslanders have a long way to go when it comes to acceptance and inclusion of all people not only in the workforce, but in everyday life.

The conversation about the benefits of hiring people with a disability needs to be highlighted.

Our NDIS participants bring a mountain of life and joy to our organisation, and their happiness and willingness to learn is contagious.

NDIS participant Sarah creates impressive building blocks at Rob's Shed

Some of our staff have been working at the MRF for over 30 years and their dedication is second to none.

Just like diversity in age and culture is important, so is a range of abilities in a workforce. It exposes people to a different “normal”, encourages greater understanding and generates acceptance, which benefits our entire community.

So have the conversation, do some research and encourage others to engage with disability awareness. We all deserve to be accepted.

IMPACT Community Services' MD Tanya O'Shea will be one of three panelists discussing social innovation tomorrow at CQUniversity's online Festival of Change

IMPACT Community Services MD Tanya O'Shea will tomorrow speak at CQUniversity’s Festival of Change where she will discuss the conception of one of the organisation’s social enterprises.

The festival is a learning opportunity facilitated by CQUniversity’s Office of Social Innovation and runs from August 31 through to September 18.

The national event is designed to celebrate and bring life to changemaking within the CQUni community. It also aims to acknowledge the positive impact the university and its stakeholders are having on the world while promoting opportunities for engagement, learning and collaboration.

Speak to New Image Laundry today

Mrs O'Shea has been invited to speak on the ideation phase of IMPACT's second social enterprise, New Image Laundry.

“I'll be sharing our journey of looking for a social enterprise that benefited both us and the community,” Mrs O'Shea said.

“We'd had great outcomes with the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) and we wanted to add another.”

She said the focus was on job creation to achieve social outcomes.

“We wanted another social enterprise, like the MRF, that could create jobs for the community particularly for people with a disability and mental illness,” Mrs O'Shea said.

Recycle with IMPACT's Material Recycling Facility

The criteria for the business was that it had to provide low-skill work for our assisted workers, add value to the community, and it had to fill a gap in the business landscape.

Tanya and her team brainstormed several different ideas and decided to trial five different businesses: a cleaning company, a car-detailing business, a fishing lure manufacturing business, a jam-making business and the laundry.

They all had potential as an independent revenue stream, so they trialled them all for two years, but four fell short for different reasons.

“The jam-making business was very successful, so much so that we couldn't keep up with orders, but the business wasn't scalable,” Mrs O'Shea said. “The one that ticked the most boxes was the laundry.”

Before the current New Image Laundry, IMPACT had bought existing business Peg and Iron and rented a premises at East Bundaberg. In 2016 IMPACT purchased the vacant block of land at Inglis Court and built the new state of the art facility that is in operation today.

Give a little, get a lot: volunteer with us

“We went on a fact-finding road trip and got a lot of useful help and information from a number of commercial laundries including Vanguard Laundry, another social enterprise in Toowoomba,” Mrs O'Shea said.

“We took the idea to government and they provided us with $900,000 towards the $2.8million required to set up the business and since then it's been very successful in creating employment.”

The Festival of Change session will follow the Human Centred Design framework. Mrs O'Shea will be joining panel members prominent in the field, such as Elise Parrups, CEO Qld Social Enterprise Council, and Leslie Lowe, a fellow CQUni Alumnus Winner.

CQUniversity is well regarded as Australia’s most inclusive and engaged university, with social innovation as a driving value and ethos. It has received accreditation from Ashoka U as Australia’s only changemaker campus. As one of Bundaberg's most successful community service forward thinkers, IMPACT is a passionate advocate for social innovation in the region.

Register here now.

CQUniversity has awarded Tanya O’Shea the 2020 Alumnus of the Year – Industry Excellence award in recognition of her significant leadership in community services.

CQUniversity’s Deputy Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations, Anthea Cuddihy said as the current Chief Executive of IMPACT Community Services and a sought-after board and committee member, Ms O’Shea had made substantial contributions to her community and industry.

Tanya is being recognised for her important role in employment, disability, mental health, social innovation and training services through exceptional leadership and management.” Ms Cuddihy said.

Under Ms O’Shea’s leadership, Bundaberg-based IMPACT Community Services has successfully managed significant events that threatened the organisation including major contract losses, cuts in funding and a resulting reduction in staff.

She successfully took part in a significant renewal plan over 10 years which enabled IMPACT to survive and thrive in tough conditions.

Ms O’Shea said that relocating IMPACT staff and operations to enable services to continue within 24 hours of being inundated by 1.1-metre floodwaters in the 2013 Bundaberg flood was something she was particularly proud of.

People came first during this event – it was a great story of resilience and courage. Staff who had been affected by the flood were putting our clients first and turning up for work instead of cleaning up their own homes,” she said.

We have amazing humans working for IMPACT – people who park their own problems at the door every day to support others to reach and realise their full potential. This is what inspires me to get out of bed every day and makes me incredibly proud of the work that we do.”

In 2013, the Bundaberg floods resulted in a loss of almost one million dollars, however, under Ms O’Shea’s leadership, the organisation emerged strongly from the natural disaster and continued a strong expansion and diversification over the next five years.

Her exceptional leadership has been recognised through IMPACT being awarded significant new long-term contracts, as well as the organisation receiving awards for excellence in innovative practice, sector leadership and quality outcomes.

Ms O’Shea also ranks her social enterprise work as a highlight of her career.

We tested and tried five different social enterprises with the aim of creating a model that provides employment opportunities for people with a disability and mental illness.

We accelerated one of these ventures, building a $2.8 million commercial laundry that now creates employment in an area with one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation and aims to employ 25-plus people in the next five years.”

Ms O’Shea’s extensive leadership experience means she is a sought-after board and committee member and guest speaker.

She is also currently Director of Surf Lifesaving Queensland, the Board Chair of Shalom College and sits on multiple community committees.

Over the last two decades, I have been fortunate to work within an organisation that has allowed me to truly make a difference to the social outcomes of my community.

Having spent the last eight years as CEO, it humbles me to see the progress we have made and continue to make in our regional area.

I am a firm believer in regional areas, and regional leaders are a power to be reckoned with. We are incredibly invested and willing to continue our consistent practice of being a leader.

I choose to live, work and raise a family in our community; therefore, I believe that I need to give back and make a personal contribution.

This extends to representing my community at a state level as Director of Surf Lifesaving Queensland, regional level as a Regional Development Australia Wide Bay Burnett Committee member and local level as Chair of the Shalom College Board."

Ms O’Shea is a two-time graduate of CQUniversity, having completed a Bachelor of Psychology in 2011 and a Master of Business Administration in 2016.

View original article at CQUniversity

FOR nearly 30 years Donna Kriedemann has earned a living cleaning up after others.

Recently Donna stepped into a key leadership role at New Image Laundry, where she is helping power the business to new growth targets.

Donna is second in charge to Daniel Leary at the leading commercial laundry operation based in Bundaberg.

“We’ve got a really good team here at the laundry at the minute,” a humble Ms Kriedemann said.

“We work well together and my job is to support Danny and keep things flowing well.”

Mr Leary said Donna brought with her a wealth of experience, including more than 29 years in the laundry industry, and a willingness to improve.

“She is the right person for this role and is well respected among the team,” he said.

Business is building at the laundry as it nears its second birthday in April.

The workforce has now climbed above 20 people and with some exciting projects on the horizon, things are looking positive.

New Image Laundry Services serves the accommodation, hospitality, medical and allied health industries as well as offering a high quality full linen hire service. It also specialises in uniforms.

Whether you are a hospital, a large aged-care facility or a family-run motel, New Image Laundry can structure a pricing system that caters to your individual business needs.

The service operates across Bundaberg and surrounding districts, including Childers, Gin Gin and Bargara.

For more information call 4152 6158.

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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