STRONGER TOGETHER: Why don’t people enact their self-care plan?

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses self care plans and why we struggle to enact them.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

The human capacity for creating and upholding habits and routines is incredibly fascinating – and the adoption of positive wellbeing practices, and lack thereof, is no exception.

Tanya OShea IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

For the most part, we know what’s good for our wellbeing, physical and mental health, or we know where to find out more information.

We know that we should be getting adequate sleep each night, eating healthy, drinking water, taking time for ourselves – and yet, more and more people are feeling tired, burnt out and stressed.

What is contributing to this rising mental health crisis people are facing and are self-care plans the answer? Or do they simply add to the stress?

People know what self-care’s important and yet seldom is it enacted or upheld.

10 years ago, amid a busy professional and personal life with two children, study for multiple degrees and board services, I found myself completely exhausted daily.

It took my GP telling me a stroke weas in my immediate future if I didn’t address the effect that stress, and pressure was having on my life – so I got to making a change.

With wellbeing a constant practice in my life, I’m exploring what motivates and disciplines others. 

What I’m most curious to know now is, why? Why are people struggling to maintain and implement a self-care plan in their life when it is designed to make daily life a little less stressful.

Do we have a proclivity for self-sabotage, do we feel time poor, do we feel selfish for prioritising ourselves?

This is an area I am eager to investigate in an upcoming project and I would appreciate your help, should you’d be inclined to share.

Questions will relate to what you know about self-care and whether you actively engage in maintaining your wellbeing.

This is not a criticism, but an exploration of local perspectives on mental health, self-care plans, the challenges of a self-care plan, and what more could be done to make a bigger difference in your life?

If you would like to contribute, please visit and complete the survey on our home page at Self-care and wellbeing survey - Impact Community Services.

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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