"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya focuses on time and how spending it doesn't have to feel like a loss.
By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea
Noticed yourself or others talking about how quickly the year’s gone? If so, you’re not alone.
In today’s fast-moving world, it feels like we’re losing time – we simply don’t seem to have enough hours in the day to do the things we need to do.
These feelings of loss associated with how quickly time flies, are aligned to a scarcity mindset.
It’s easy to lose yourself in this state-of-mind amid the daily hustle of work and life. Without realising it, we start to articulate this as experiencing loss or lacking something. These thoughts can be insidious, and they can creep into other areas of our life.
Viewing ourselves, our situation, and opportunities that come our way through a scarcity lens, can seem like everything is a ‘win-lose’ situation.
But what if we turned this into a ‘win-win?’
For many, their waking hours are largely consumed by work, with precious little time available to check off things on the ‘to do’ list, much less engage in wellbeing activities like exercise or socialising.
So, is a lack of time the issue, or the feelings associated with how we do spend our time?
Everyone gets 24hrs a day, and a choice about how that time’s spent. Work, childcare responsibilities, volunteering, medical appointments and household duties dictate our time be spent in certain ways, but this isn’t necessarily a loss of time.
By using the phrase ‘I get to’ rather than ‘I have to’ flips the script on loss and instead immediately increases the value to something we want to invest our time into.
Deliberately scheduling your time or imagining every minute has a dollar value, and therefore needs to be allocated well is another means to reduce this feeling of scarcity.
As is, including engaging activities that leave you feeling less busy and stressful, especially when feeling ‘stuck in the daily grind’.
What we want is to experience the feelings that come with these changes, and the shift in mindset from scarcity to a place filled with abundance.