STRONGER TOGETHER: The Clothesline Project—A Visual Stand Against Violence

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"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses the Clothesline Project, a powerful visual statement against domestic and family violence, highlighting the importance of raising awareness, community action and support for survivors.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

Less than a week after bells tolled 101 times in Australia to honour lives lost to gender-based violence this year, two more tragic deaths highlighted the urgency of addressing domestic and family violence (DFV). Hoa Tek Chiem, 69, and his wife, Kim Heang Gau, 68, were killed in Sydney, allegedly by their own son.

This tragic incident serves as yet another heartbreaking reminder of the far-reaching devastation of DFV and the critical need for collective action to end this scourge on Australian society, through raising awareness, fostering understanding, and standing together as a community to say NO to violence.

As part of Zonta Club of Bundaberg’s 16 Days of Activism, IMPACT Community Services hosted a Clothesline Project at Hinkler Central Shopping Centre, from 25-29 November, creating a powerful, visual statement against DFV.

The display featured t-shirts designed by participants from IMPACT’s programs, each telling a unique story of resilience, healing, and hope.

The colours of the shirts carry profound meaning:

In the weeks leading up to the event, participants came together to decorate their shirts during a morning tea hosted by IMPACT. Queensland Police attended to show their support, and the session concluded with a yoga class to promote calm and reflection.

One particularly moving story from the event involved a woman and her son who worked together on a shirt featuring a ship and anchor. For them, the ship symbolised moving forward, while the anchor represented strength and stability. Their creation was a powerful testament to their resilience and their determination to navigate life’s challenges together.

The therapeutic nature of the activity is undeniable. Creating art helps release emotions and offers a sense of control and purpose. Each shirt, whether covered in intricate designs or powerful words, represents its creator’s journey toward healing.

The display invited the community to engage with these deeply personal stories. It fostered awareness and understanding of DFV’s far-reaching impacts while emphasising the strength of those who have endured it.

Members of IMPACT’s Intensive Family Support team were on hand throughout the display to connect with the community and raise awareness through meaningful conversations and the provision of information and resources on this devastating issue.

While the Clothesline Project has concluded, its message remains: we must stand united as a community against DFV, honour those we’ve lost, and support survivors in their healing. Keep these conversations going and let’s work toward ending all kinds of violence for good.

Last week, IMPACT Community Services’ Managing Director Tanya O’Shea spoke at the launch of Zonta’s 16 Day of Activism to end Gender Based Violence. During and after the event, there were many questions around what people should and should not do as bystanders to domestic violence, and how to approach someone if you are concerned they may be living in a domestic violence situation.

IMPACT Community Services supports domestic violence victims and families living with domestic and family violence through our Intensive Family Support program. This article will offer practical guidance on what we can do as bystanders, as well as what not to do if you witness or suspect domestic violence.

We have all been touched by family and domestic violence in some way. Some of us have experienced and survived it ourselves. Many of us have known someone who is in a domestic violence situation, and we’ve all seen the news reports calling for changes after the death of yet another person at the hands of their partner or spouse.

It’s a sensitive topic, and if you know or suspect that someone is experiencing domestic violence, it can be hard to know what to do, what to say and how to best support them.

Tanya reminds us that as bystanders we have a choice.

“The choice is not to judge, condemn or question. The choice is not to think that social issues such as domestic violence don’t affect me, choosing not to watch stories on the news or listen to the radio or on your social media feed,” she said.

“Turning your heads, reading your phone, remaining in the comfort of your home telling yourself you shouldn’t get involved when you hear the screams next door. Falsely telling yourself those things only happen to other people.”

It’s important to preface the rest of this article by stating that at all times you must keep your own personal safety at the forefront of your actions.

The truth is, there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to domestic violence, because every situation is different. Allowing yourself to be guided by the person who is surviving the abuse (if possible) will allow you – and them – to lower the level of risk.

Remember, domestic violence isn’t just physical abuse. It also includes emotional, financial, sexual, social, verbal, spiritual, elder and child abuse. For more information on the different types of abuse that fall into domestic and family violence, we suggest reading this article from Mission Australia, which offers definitions of each:

So what can we do?

IMPACT Community Services Bystander Program Coordinator Sasha Sloat said it’s vital to remember that your job is to empower and support. “It’s important not to take it personally if they are dismissive, rude or reject your offer to talk or help as they’re just trying to keep themselves safe,” she said. “Above all, offer to talk, but don’t judge – as soon as you judge them, whether it be for not leaving or something else, you are no longer a safe space.”

The Do’s:

The Don’ts:

Help available for domestic and family violence

Help is available if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence. It’s important to bear in mind that some services will require evidence in order to provide financial assistance. This could be a DVO or a support letter from a service such as IMPACT Community Services or Edon Place, or a letter from Children’s Services.

IMPACT Community Services supports victims and families living with domestic violence through their Intensive Family Support program. Ph 4153 4233

Edon Place provides specialist domestic and family violence support services in the Bundaberg and North Burnett regions, including counselling, perpetrator intervention, temporary crisis accommodation and a range of other support services. Ph 4153 6820

The Department of Housing can provide funding for those escaping domestic violence to start over with furniture and whitegoods or cover the cost of moving their items interstate.

Uniting Care offers Escaping Violence Payments of up to $5000 within 12 weeks of leaving a domestic violence situation. You will need to provide evidence to access this payment.

Energy providers are able to clear debt if you can provide evidence of domestic violence.

Bundaberg Police have a dedicated Vulnerable Persons Unit which supports families living with domestic violence where there has been continued Police intervention.

Keeping Women Safe in their Homes (KWSITH) helps women and their children who have experienced family and domestic violence to remain in their homes or a home of their choosing, when it is safe and appropriate to do so. Keeping Women Safe in their Homes | Department of Social Services, Australian Government (

Temporary Visa Holders Experiencing Violence Pilot provides financial assistance to people on temporary visas who may be experiencing family and domestic violence and financial hardship. Family and domestic violence financial assistance | Australian Red Cross Emergency Relief to provide one-off assistance to individuals with no or low income or those experiencing other life-changing events. This can include food, transport, clothing, budgeting assistance and utility assistance. Emergency Relief | Department of Social Services, Australian Government (

National Debt Helpline provides over the phone Financial Counselling. The 1800 007 007 telephone service provides a single contact point for people to access financial counselling, either immediately on the phone, or via a referral to your closest Financial Counselling service. Welcome Page - National Debt Helpline (

Good Shepherd Australia and NZ provides loans up to $2000 for essential goods and services with no fees and no interest.

Victim Assist – provides financial assistance to victims of violence that happened in Queensland - 1300 546 587

NDIS – for people with a disability who are actively receiving support through NDIS, may be able to access a crisis payment, this should be discussed with the client’s support worker

Legal Aid Queensland - 1300 65 11 88

Women’s Legal Service – 1800 957 957, provides free legal and social work help with domestic violence, complex family law and sexual assault notes counselling privilege matters to women and people who live and identify as women in Queensland.

DVConnect Womensline – 24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline – 1800 811 811

DVConnect Mensline – 9am until Midnight – 1800 600 636

Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800

Emergencies – Police/Ambulance/Fire – 000

While reducing Domestic and Family Violence is not a simple nor easy feat in the Bundaberg community, there are numerous organisations and professionals working to do just that.

And now, there is a Bundaberg-specific framework which professionals can use to streamline language, principles, tools, and strengthen their network of organisations by Working Together.

IMPACT is proud to have collaborated with Family Law Pathways and the Family Relationship Centre to create the Working Together Commitment.

Having launched the framework during Domestic and Family Violence Prevention month at IMPACT, Intensive Family Support manager Staci Rae said this tool outlines the way our community aims to cooperate with each other, stay focused and communicate more effectively.

She said there were about 25-30 people from various professional background – social work, health, council, and childcare – who attended the launch. 

“Collaboration is key to combating DFV in Bundaberg,” she said.

She said this commitment would work alongside the charter for children and young people’s wellbeing.

With high domestic violence rates in the community, Ms Rae said this framework is designed to support anyone who works with people in the community sector.

The recent launch provided an encouraging sign of dedication and hopefully reassurance for anyone who is experiencing or has experienced DFV, that they are not alone and there are people who can help.

For more information about the Working Together framework and how it could be integrated into your workplace, contact the Family Relationship Centre.

If you need help you can contact IMPACT’s IFS team on 4153 4233 between 8am and 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8am-4.30pm on Fridays.

Or phone one of the hotlines below if you need help now:

Domestic Violence Services

DV Connect: 1800 811 811

Edon Place: 4153 6820

Men’s Line: 1300 78 99 78

National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT).

For all other domestic violence related matters, phone Policelink on 131 444, 24 hours, 7 days a week .

Family and child safety

Child Safety Central Queensland Regional Intake Service (business hours): 1300 703 762

Child Safety (after hours): 1800 177 135

Family and Child Connect (FACC) 13 32 64 to share your concerns for families in your community.

Parenting/mental health support

Parentline: 1300 30 1300

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

May is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month – and at IMPACT Community Services support and prevention is something our Intensive Family Support team is dedicated to daily.

The IFS team provides support to families with children at risk of entering the Child Services system, families dealing with mental health and wellbeing matters, disability, child development, and issues with housing.

The majority of IFS clients have endured some form of Domestic and Family Violence, and someone who is on the frontline supporting the community is Family & Domestic Violence Specialist, case manager Sasha.

Sasha works with survivors, parents, children, perpetrators, police, and offers emotional support for people going through the court.

With experience working in this space in the United Kingdom, Sasha joined the IFS team in Bundaberg at the start of the year, bringing with her a wealth of expertise.

She said there were a lot of issues in the region and hopes more education about healthy relationships and boundaries could mean greater DFV prevention in the future.

Sasha said people need to be taught that hitting or abusing someone is not an appropriate way to get their point across.

She said people should also be aware of what stalking behaviour is.

As technology and social media creates a culture of sharing and accessibility, she said it can be difficult for some people to realise what stalking and controlling behaviour looks like.

When people are constantly sharing where they are, who they are with and what they are doing on social media, it may not be seen as controlling behaviour when a partner demands to know all this information; but it is.

Sasha said bullying and consent were two other major areas where education needed to be bolstered: understanding ‘no’, what is appropriate behaviour in a healthy relationship and personal boundaries are crucial to DFV prevention.

 She said she would like to see the Love Bites educational program introduced in schools.

For anyone experiencing DFV, the IFS team wants to hear from you. They offer numerous support options to help anyone who may be experiencing or has experienced DFV.

One of the means of support is a survivor’s group which IMPACT runs with Churches of Christ, which focuses on psychoeducation, the effects of DFV, how to move forward, and safety planning.

Sasha also holds one-on-one education sessions for individuals who may be parents with learning disabilities and children who are dealing with the fall out.

The IFS team’s support has been likened to helping you ride a bike. They put the training wheels on and teach you how to ride; they take the wheels off and stand alongside you, supporting you until you’re ready to go off on your own – and they will be there should you ever need to come back. 

To get in contact with IMPACT Community Services’ IFS team phone 4153 4233.

If you need help now – here are some useful hotlines:

Domestic Violence Services

DV Connect: 1800 811 811

Edon Place: 4153 6820

Men’s Line: 1300 78 99 78

National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT).

How to report a DFV incident Visit Police Website, CLICK HERE or for all other domestic violence related matters, phone Policelink on 131 444, 24 hours, 7 days a week .

Family and child safety

Child Safety Central Queensland Regional Intake Service (business hours): 1300 703 762

Child Safety (after hours): 1800 177 135

Family and Child Connect (FACC) 13 32 64 to share your concerns for families in your community.

Parenting/mental health support

Parentline: 1300 30 1300

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Teamwork makes the dream work; it would be a tiresome phrase if it wasn’t so effective.

And IMPACT Community Services’ vision of Improving Lives is certainly more effective when collaborating with organisations like Hearts of Purple to help domestic and family violence survivors in the community.

Hearts of Purple have recently donated numerous items to IMPACT’s Intensive Family Support team to give to those in need.

The generous donation included 27 bags of women's essential items, a box of cleaning wipes, 32 packs of various size nappies and more than 500 bottles of assorted sizes of hand sanitizers.

Hearts of Purple CEO Michelle Beattie said when you’re on the run and you have nothing, receiving an emergency bag was “like Christmas”.

Knowing someone cares that you have basic items can make a world of difference and when you’re on the run every cent counts.

When organisations collaborate, more work can be done, more people can be helped, and they can work to ensure no one falls through the cracks.

IMPACT Family Intensive Support Manager Staci said the donations had been spread throughout all of the family programs at IMPACT, this includes Positive Start Parenting and Family Mental Health Support Services.

She said this donation has gone on to support women and children within the community in a time of need.

For more information about Hearts of Purple visit their website.

Further details about IMPACT’s support services are available here.

Domestic Violence Services

DV Connect: 1800 811 811

Edon Place: 4153 6820

Men’s Line: 1300 78 99 78

National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT).

Family and child safety

Child Safety Central Queensland Regional Intake Service (business hours): 1300 703 762

Child Safety (after hours): 1800 177 135

Family and Child Connect (FACC) 13 32 64 to share your concerns for families in your community.

Parenting/mental health support

Parentline: 1300 30 1300

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

When working with vulnerable people time truly is of the essence.

And one of the latest methods to ensure help arrives, fittingly, incorporates a watch.

IMPACT Community Services is collaborating with Hearts of Purple to deliver technology designed to support vulnerable people in the form of duress safety watches.

Staff working in IMPACT’s Intensive Family Support program will be kitted out with the watches for when they go into potentially dangerous environments to support families experiencing high-risk domestic family violence.

Unfortunately, DFV matters are not uncommon in the region.

More than 75% of IMPACT IFS families are being supported for current DFV or the impacts of DFV, and the rates of multiple and complex support needs for parents and children in the Bundaberg area have increased. 

With local support service system under pressure, there are waitlists, delays, no housing options and DFV refuges are full.

The watches are also an option for clients who have been assessed as living in high-risk situations.

There are a range of features, such as monitoring and alarms connected to support services, which seek to improve safety.

Key collaboration

IMPACT’s IFS Manager Melissa Clarke said, “from a team perspective it’s about collaboration with Hearts of Purple around promoting women’s safety”.

“It's not only for the team but it’s increasing people’s safety and that direct access to the best technology,” Ms Clarke said.

“Sometimes we’re travelling four hours from Bundaberg and unless we’re in range, that’s the biggest thing, we could be walking into anything and everything in any single moment.”

The IFS team members have been exposed a number of times to not only violent situations, but those involving drugs, alcohol and other abusive situations.

Ms Clarke said they will order additional watches as needed.

 While the watch is a great tool to get help, people still need to be hypervigilant and follow other security measures as the device itself is not necessarily going to save your life should violence occur.

For more information about IMPACT Community Service’s IFS program visit Home - Impact Community Services or call us on 4153 4233.

By Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services' Managing Director

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya talks about the important role our community must play in ending domestic and family violence.

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director
Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

Supporting positive family dynamics and educating parents about healthy relationships are two of the most important services we offer at IMPACT.

Domestic and family violence (DFV) is still heavily prevalent within our Bundaberg region, and without a whole of community approach the reality is we simply won’t see the changes we so desperately need.

On Wednesday and Thursday next week, July 28 and 29, IMPACT will collaborate with Family Law Pathways Network, Uniting Community Care and The Family Relationship Centre to host the Working Together community conversation.

The aim of these two days is to hold a collaborative conversation and have as many people present to establish a practice commitment for working together to prevent domestic and family violence in Bundaberg.

The complexities involved in this space requires involvement on multiple levels.

People working with families and children, managers, board members, policy makers, community members, community leaders and people wanting to make a difference are encouraged to participate in the conversation.

Data that tracked Domestic Violence Order applications made to the Bundaberg Magistrates Court in 2019-20 showed an increase by over 27% from the previous year.

This increase was the highest in the state, followed by Rockhampton with 14.6% and Beenleigh with 14.4%.

Evidence also shows that violence creates ongoing cycles of intergenerational trauma leading to unstable mental health, neglected children, government dependence and learned poverty.

The only way I can think to describe this is unacceptable.

We need more action, more accountability, and more people willing to not only stand up and say no to domestic and family violence, but to act on it when it is seen or heard.

MATE Program
Angela Twyford from Family Law Pathways Network, Mel Clarke from IMPACT Community Services and Bec Spruce from Uniting Care & Family Relationship Centre will host the Working Together workshop

There are multiple service providers in this space that are under significant pressure; the need far outweighs the supports available.

The only way to move forward is to come together and work at this issue across varied government agencies, community organisations and members of society.

Together, we can create new, innovative approaches to effectively respond to the escalating incidents of DFV, as many of our services are not equipped to accommodate for the constant change and additional layers of complexity involved.

Children are the silent sufferers in these situations, until they are not.

There are significant ongoing implications for children exposed to violent relationship dynamics ranging from learned violence in the family unit to links to crime and deviant behaviour.

The Working Together community conversation aims to strengthen our relationships and collaborative practice through networking, conversations and, as mentioned, the development of a collective commitment to working together for Bundaberg families.

It’s up to us as residents of the Bundaberg region to create a light at the end of the tunnel, and work towards it together through measurable actions and achievable outcomes.

We are always stronger when we work together; creating the change that is needed starts with us.

By Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya talks about recognising and preventing domestic violence.

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director
Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

Each May, Queensland marks Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month (DFVP Month) to raise community awareness of domestic and family violence.

The aim is to send a clear message that violence in families and homes is not and will not be tolerated.

This year IMPACT’s Intensive Family Support (IFS) team have shown their support for the Red Rose Foundation’s Red Bench Project.

The Red Rose Foundation is a national not for profit charity that works to end domestic violence throughout Queensland, and the red bench is a permanent reminder that domestic violence occurs within all communities, everywhere.

IMPACT is proud to be a supporter of this initiative and has recently installed a red bench in the 108 Bargara Road courtyard for people to see, use, and understand.

Handmade by the NDIS participants in Rob’s Shed, the red bench and accompanying plaque provide a visual reminder that violence not only happens everywhere, but that we as an organisation and a community are actively working to stop violence and conflict in Bundaberg.

In the State Government’s “Not Now, Not Ever” report it was recommended that individuals, community groups and the private sector work together to help prevent domestic and family violence and support those affected.

This means we need to actively implement a whole-of-community approach and be accountable for ourselves and our actions in the face of conflict and violence.

We need to question the behaviour, not ignore it.

IMPACT Community Services supports the Red Rose Foundation’s Red Bench Project
IMPACT Community Services supports the Red Rose Foundation’s Red Bench Project

Last week I wrote about the launch of the MATE Bystander Program at IMPACT, which is another way we are working to end domestic and family violence in our community.

As mentioned previously, the project recruits everyday locals and trains them to recognise conflict behaviour and use safe intervention methods to interrupt the cycle of violence.

This initiative has also been driven by our IFS team who are involved in conflict resolution on a daily basis.

The IFS team has been working with families in the Bundaberg region, who are experiencing multiple and/or complex needs who have children unborn to 18 years of age, for over three years.

The service delivers parenting support through tailored interventions to build the skills and capacity of parents and carers to safely nurture and protect their children, and refers to external supports in need.

IMPACT Community Services' Intensive Family Support team supports the Red Rose Foundation’s Red Bench Project
IMPACT Community Services' Intensive Family Support team at the Red Bench

It was our IFS support team that recognised rates of violence were increasing during COVID, and it’s the IFS team that continues to manage the repercussions of the local housing shortage in this space.

With this added pressure it’s more important than ever that we as a community educate ourselves on safe intervention methods, and become a voice for those that have been silenced.

We need to actively stand up and say no to violence.

It’s not welcome in our community, and it won’t be tolerated by our people.

To find out how you can “Be Someone Who Does Something”, phone IMPACT today on 4153 4233 and mention the MATE Bystander Program, or email your interest to

Help us on our journey to improve lives.

A Bundaberg mother and former victim of domestic violence is in support of a new program that aims to tackle DV from a community bystander approach.

Angela Twyford from Family Law Pathways Network, Mel Clarke from IMPACT Community Services and Bec Spruce from Uniting Care & Family Relationship Centre
Angela Twyford from Family Law Pathways Network, Mel Clarke from IMPACT Community Services and Bec Spruce from Uniting Care & Family Relationship Centre

Karen was raised in an environment of domestic violence as a child and found herself involved in a violent relationship later in life.

She has been out of that relationship for over five years now but remembers the horrific situation all too well.

“Most women don’t ask for help because they’re too traumatised and can’t make a clear decision,” Karen said.

“Asking for help is usually the last thing they do.

“Other people taking notice and making that step for them seems to be the only way out.”

Griffith University’s MATE Program, an acronym for Motivating Action Through Empowerment, seeks to educate everyday community members to become leaders in the prevention of violence and conflict.

Partnered with IMPACT Community Services, Uniting Care & Family Relationship Centre and the Family Law Pathways Network, Griffith will host a “Train the Trainer” event where 30 Bundaberg locals will be taught how to educate others on this principle.

The project aims to teach bystanders how to safely step in and address problematic behaviour as it happens.

IMPACT is holding an information session on Tuesday 18 May from 10am to 12pm for people who are interested in getting involved.

“I’d like to see more people educated about domestic violence,” Karen said.

“It’s hard to get people to fathom that women can’t just leave.

“You’re in fear of your life, of your kids’ lives if you have children… you know they’re going to harass you and hunt you down and contact all your friends and family, if they haven’t already isolated their victim.

“I got beat up for 5 hours in a unit block and not one person called the police. He got away with everything and he almost killed me.

“I’m over people turning a blind eye to domestic violence… there needs to be community involvement on a broad scale.”

Karen has also watched her daughter struggle through a violent relationship, and she wants the cycle to stop.

“Domestic violence is a reality in Bundaberg, it’s not just a number on a piece of paper,” she said.

“There are a lot of broken families, broken kids and broken mums.

“There are a lot of vulnerable women out there and the kids that are involved in domestic violence, the impact on them is extreme trauma.”

Locals who become involved in the MATE training will enter a three-day course and learn about gender stereotypes and how they impact our community, the role of the bystander and what safe interjection looks like, and methods to prevent conflict and violence.

Karen said while the MATE bystander approach would be great in the first instance, more follow up needs to be established.

“More training, more accommodation, more emergency housing, and around the clock support is needed,” she said.

Karen suggested a form of childcare would benefit parents fleeing domestic violence.

“They don’t get a chance to feel normal, to look for a job, they need support all the way through.”

For more information phone IMPACT on 4153 4233 or email To learn more about the MATE Bystander Program go to

By Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya talks about the new lifechanging MATE Bystander Program launching soon.

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director
Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

Last year Queensland Court figures showed the number of Domestic Violence Orders lodged in Bundaberg had increased by over 30% when compared to the previous year.

This increase, from 355 applications to 468, was the largest in the state.

May is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, and while violence can unfold behind closed doors, there is still a lot we can do as community bystanders.

We were aware of the rise in violence as anecdotal evidence filtered through to us following the onset of COVID, and is one of the reasons we have partnered with Griffith University to launch a new approach to tackling DV in Bundaberg.

The MATE program, an acronym for Motivating Action Through Empowerment, seeks to educate everyday community members to become leaders in the prevention of violence and conflict.

The education and intervention program seeks to “Train the Trainer” by teaching 30 locals about recognising violent behaviour, what to do about it, how to approach a situation safely, and how to pass that knowledge on to others.

This does not focus on the perpetrator or the victim.

The focus is what we can all do to prevent violence in our homes, workplaces, schools and communities.

I’m sure we can all remember a time when we have seen conflict unfolding but not known what to do about it.

Or perhaps there’s a time you heard yelling from across the street but didn’t want to get involved.

This training is for you.

This training is for those who are sick of seeing our beautiful region as a statistic for increased violence.

This training is for those who want to see a change, and are eager to be a part of the movement.

This training welcomes all community members from all walks of life, because domestic and family violence happens everywhere, in all pockets of our community.

The program slogan, Be Someone Who Does Something, sums up the message perfectly.

You can be someone that does something; we all can.

Let’s challenge the root attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that normalise violence against women, inequality, racism, discrimination and bullying.

Get involved, and come along to our information session on May 18 from 10am – 12pm at 108 Bargara Road, Bundaberg.

A small change can make a big difference.

Help us on our mission to improve lives. We are stronger together.

A new approach to tackle the Bundaberg region’s surging domestic violence rate is set to launch in Bundaberg.

Next Bystander information session 22nd June 2020

IMPACT Community Services, Uniting Care & Family Relationship Centre and Family Law Pathways Network has announced their partnership with Griffith University Queensland to bring the MATE Bystander Program to the region.

MATE Bystander Program
Angela Twyford from Family Law Pathways Network, Mel Clarke from IMPACT Community Services and Bec Spruce from Uniting Care & Family Relationship Centre

MATE, an acronym for Motivating Action Through Empowerment, is an education and intervention tool which aims to teach everyday community members to be leaders in the prevention of violence and conflict.

Queensland Court figures show the number of applications for domestic violence orders lodged in Bundaberg was up 31.8% (468 v 355) for the year to the end of March in comparison to the corresponding period in 2019-20; the largest increase anywhere in Queensland.

The MATE program teaches people to become proactive bystanders with the tools and understanding to step in and address problematic behaviour.

The bystander approach focuses not on the perpetrator or victim of violence, rather what we can all do to prevent violence in our homes, workplaces, schools and communities.

The program challenges the root attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that normalise violence against women, inequality, racism, discrimination and bullying within our society.

Previously the program has only been offered to organisations however Griffith University’s MATE team wants to pilot whether this service can be expanded by training community members to deliver it in a local context and, if successful, on a wider scale.

IMPACT’s Intensive Family Support Manager Melissa Clarke said the program offered an opportunity for the community to respond to violence as a whole.

“This is about looking at the issue not only from a domestic violence lens but also as violence in general,” Ms Clarke said.

“This program aims to make a stand and encourage people to consider the right thing to do.

“It’s around being aware of what violence actually is and if you do see some form of violence, knowing what some strategies are to respond in a safe manner so that bystanders can walk away knowing they did the right thing.”

Griffith University will deliver a three-day MATE training course to 30 participants in August.

In preparation for this, IMPACT will host an information session on May 18 from 10am to midday for those who are interested in participating in the training.

The program slogan of “be someone that does something” urges all community members to get involved.

Uniting Care & Family Relationship Centre’s Bec Spruce said everyone was encouraged to attend.

“Anybody can be a bystander, we’re talking to you,” she said.

“This initiative is a whole of community approach that welcomes people from all backgrounds.

“Even if people may not be eligible for a place in the training, it doesn’t mean they don’t have a voice – we are here to listen too.”

For more information or to register phone IMPACT on 4153 4233 or sign up below.

To learn more about the MATE Program go to

What MATE is all about

Every single one of us plays a role in violence prevention—whether it’s something we’re exposed to directly or not. We want you to have the ability to recognise when a problematic situation is taking place and feel empowered to effectively interrupt the behaviour, providing it is safe for you to do so.

It is our aim to raise awareness around the ways in which abusive behaviour is embedded in our culture as well as the subtler issues that support a potentially harmful environment. Our programs challenge the root attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that normalise violence against women, inequality, racism, discrimination and bullying within our society. We recognise that in order to facilitate change, we need to open a dialogue about the dynamics and context of all forms of violence.

You may recognise that violence and discrimination don’t align with your values, but how often do you take a deep dive on the topic in an interactive environment? In our violence prevention programs, we create a safe space for people to share their opinions as well as any experiences they may have had with problematic behaviour to bring light to issues that are often left undiscussed.

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Jannene Thorn knows a thing or two about lending a helping hand to those in need of support.

Jannene is IMPACT Community Services' Manager of Mental Health Services and has worked at IMPACT for 10 years across at least four different programs.

Jannene loves the work she does and the reputation IMPACT has in the community.

“I work here because the mission, vision and values align with mine,” Jannene said. 

“And I work here because I enjoy empowering vulnerable people so that they become independent and no longer need support.”

Meet Jannene Thorn, IMPACT's Mental Health champion
Meet Jannene Thorn, IMPACT's Mental Health champion

Jannene said that IMPACT was great because of its diversity, scope and wrap-around services.

“Someone will come as a jobseeker and wind up in parental support, or one of our other programs which is right next door,” she said.

“People are being referred across programs all the time – it's a one-stop shop here.”

Mental Health programs at IMPACT Community Services

Lived experience with disability served well

Jannene was a chef before entering the community services field, but after 19 years she felt “burned out” and needed a change of career.

She has a brother with disability so had plenty of experience in caring; it seemed natural to work in that sector. Jannene started working eight hours a week at IMPACT as a casual disability support worker, but soon became full time.

“My lived experience with my brother made me stronger as a support worker,” she said.

“You already know what standards of care are needed to look after someone properly.”

IMPACT's Community Hub: A one-stop-shop of service providers

Jannene spent three years as disability support worker before moving to early intervention in parenting as a Team Leader.

She then worked in supported employment at our Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), looking after our workers with a disability.

“I really loved it and almost didn't want to leave,” she said.

But then Jannene found her calling as Manager of Mental Health Services, looking after a vast area of the Wide Bay. She now manages nine programs and organises the collaboration with other various support services.

IMPACT collaborates with other support services

“We collaborate well with the community,” Jannene said.

“We partner with other services, all with the end view of a better outcome for the client.”

Jannene manages a staff of 10, all mental health experts with vast experience.

“We use a strengths-based recovery approach,” she said.

“It’s whatever works well with the client.”

Jannene's plans for the future involve co-designing mental health programs and trying to establish a wider footprint across Queensland.

And of course, helping more people to improve their lives.

Welcome to Queensland Women’s Week at IMPACT! 

To celebrate the event, which runs over 11 days from March 3 to 14, we will be sharing a series of Q&A stories with some of our exceptional female staff from across the organisation.

Today you get to meet Maxine, one of our Intensive Family Support workers.

What is your role at IMPACT, why do you enjoy the work you do, and what drives you to be the best you can at your role?

My role at IMPACT Community Services is an Intensive Family Support (IFS) Case Manager within a Domestic and Family Violence Framework of Best Practice - DFV Specialist.  I enjoy the work that I do because a personal goal of mine is to “create a better world”; conscientisation is key.  In this role I am able to, hopefully, positively influence those I work with to achieve respectful, thriving and healthy relationships.

I am driven by all the people I meet and also by the children I come into contact with who might need their mother and father to respectfully co-exist with one another while putting in 100% effort to creating an uplifting, empowering and healthy home-front for them to springboard from.

Interesting but off-topic: In the DFV world and where 85%+ of violence and abuse comes from men towards their women and most often in front of their children, many questions arise. Like, can someone stop their oppression of someone (physically, psychologically, sexually, socially, financially)? And if so, how long will that take? What will happen if/when she decides she cannot ever trust him again and wants to leave? How are the children impacted by the shouting, screaming or the toxicity in their home grounds?

Who is the woman who has inspired you most in your life?

There are many women who have inspired my understandings and how I have worked over the years.  As a 9-year-old my learning about Joan of Arc really influenced me because I continue to be inspired by strong ‘warrior women’.  Currently I am following Vandana Shiva who began her works by installing a Seed Bank in response to the privatisation/patenting of natural resources; and I am following Indra Nooyi who has been voted the most influential women on Earth.

What are their exceptional qualities?

I think those women inspire me because of  their exceptional quality of Being – facta non verba – they walk their talk. The women who have been my role models are those who know the struggles of calling out oppression fearlessly (and relevantly) and most concisely.  You must be able to name the problem in order to resolve the problem to action for change.

What is your message to young women today who are trying to make their mark?

Do not be afraid to make mistakes, do not be freaked out by feeling uncomfortable in challenging situations – make your truths transparent. If you are wrong, it's okay. Learn by it, learn from it. Laugh a lot, and sing loudly. Read, Susan Jeffers' book, “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway” or listen to the audio book. Mind the thoughts you keep, strive for respectful, interdependent healthy relationships, know what you stand for and what you won’t stand for. And just as importantly, learn how to defend/resource yourself in times of trouble.

Visit the Queensland Women's Week website

Welcome to Queensland Women’s Week at IMPACT! 

To celebrate the event, which runs over 11 days from today, March 3 to 14, we will be sharing a series of Q&A stories with some of our exceptional female staff from across the organisation. 

And what better way to begin the week than with a woman who needs no introduction; IMPACT's Managing Director Tanya O’Shea. 

What is your role at IMPACT, why do you enjoy the work you do, and what drives you to be the best you can at your role?

I am the Managing Director of IMPACT Community Services.  I am inspired by people. People who turn up each day leaving their own issues at the door to support others. People who choose to improve their life or the lives of their family. People who stop engaging in behaviours that are harmful to themselves or others. People who recognise that they need support to make a change. This job has been a gift, inspiring me to push boundaries, challenge myself and contribute – give back to something way bigger than me.

Who is the woman who has inspired you most in your life?

Professor Helen Huntly, OAM. Helen was my teacher in high school, my boss when I started working as a part-time aerobics instructor and is one of my current bosses (as a Director on the IMPACT Board). Her commitment to the education sector and dedication to community capacity-building is an inspiration.

What are their exceptional qualities?

It feels like Helen has been my informal mentor, cheering me on from the sidelines my entire working life! She never sweats the small stuff, is genuine, responsive and not afraid to tell me what I need to hear. Most important of all, she believes in me, reminding me that I have got everything that I need already within myself to do what needs to be done. She empowers in a way that leaves me feeling like 'I have got this.'

Do you have a personal anecdote about them?

Helen comes from a health and fitness background, having been a secondary school PE teacher and part-time aerobics instructor before commencing at CQUniversity over 20 years ago. Even though her job is incredibly demanding, she still runs 5km daily, nowadays referring to her exercise routine as more of slow shuffle than an energetic dash!

What is your message to young women today who are trying to make their mark?

In the words of Judy Garland, ‘Always aim to be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else’. Having role models and mentors is important, however to build trust and strong relationships, you need to be comfortable enough in yourself to be yourself. You cannot do that if you are always trying to be like someone else. Remember, you have got this.

Visit the Queensland Women's Week website

Leanne Baker is a name you might be familiar with – especially if you’re a busy mother or planning guru.

Leanne is a local business owner whose experience and products are widely sought after.

Her range of yearly planners and time management techniques are a hit within Bundaberg families, which makes her kind end-of-year gift all the more special.

In November Leanne put a call out to her social media community to find a cause or charity to support.

“…a number of our community who are survivors of domestic violence shared about how the planners have helped them turn their world around,” Leanne said.

“Knowing this, we couldn’t help but reach out and donate these planners to (IMPACT) and aim to help as many people as possible – particularly because 2020 has been such a difficult year for so many.”

Learn more about IMPACT's IFS program

Leanne made the donation of 45 Leanne Baker Daily diaries, that retail at almost $56 each, as a reminder of the importance of weekly self-care.

“The budgeting pages in our LBD planners will be a positive and helpful aid in their lives,” she said.

“I believe that giving is one of the most rewarding actions in life, and in particular in business. Being in a position to be able to give back to others and also being able to see the difference it makes to someone adds meaning to what we do.

“It is important that (my sons) grow up with the understanding of the significance of giving to others, particularly if someone is less fortunate than us, as well as being actively involved in our local community.”

Staci Rae is a Case Manager with IMPACT’s Intensive Family Support (IFS) program and was the one to respond to Leanne’s social media query.

The IFS program assists families with multiple and complex needs, with 85% of their intake either experiencing, or having experienced, domestic violence.

“Leanne’s donation will help build or rebuild women’s lives and I know how thankful they will be for this gift,” Staci said.

Visit to check out her range of products

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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