IMPACT launches Kingaroy mental health drop-in centre

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Having access to mental health support services can be lifechanging, and just because you live in a rural area, shouldn’t mean you are without access to help.

IMPACT is dedicated to improving lives and one of the ways we strive to do this is via our mental health support services.

We have been present in the community for the past 10 years, delivering different styles of mental health support. Our commitment to supporting locals is solidified with the opening of our own drop-in centre on 6/119 Youngman Street, Kingaroy.

The center will enable IMPACT to deliver our mental health program and give locals a safe place to share their lived experiences, meet people and a place to have a coffee and a chat if they are having bad day.

“Mental health support needs to be delivered in a way that connects with people in a rural setting,” IMPACT’s Mental Health Manager Jannene Thorn said.

“There needs to be flexibility in service delivery.”

The Commonwealth Psychosocial Support service is a recovery focused, strengths based mental health support program.

It aims to strengthen the capacity of participants to live independently, safely and productively in their community by focusing on capacity building via phone, virtual or individual and group settings.

CPS is for participants over the age of 16 with severe mental illness not accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

The centre will be open from Monday to Friday, 8am-4pm with our Peer Support Workers eager to meet and help out those who need it.

To find out more about IMPACT’s mental health support services head to

To contact the team, phone 0488 534 222 or email

If you need help now, please see the parenting/mental health support contacts below:

By Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services' Managing Director

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya focuses on the power of peer support and sharing lived experience.

People have been telling stories since the beginning. Sometimes it’s a conversation, other times we write them down, we paint, draw, sing, sign, listen and imagine.

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director
Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

It’s a powerful art and its value cannot be understated – particularly when your story shared can make a difference.

Positive representation and shared lived experience can make people feel seen, valid, inspire a sense of belonging, and most importantly assures people that they are not alone.

The influence of support, that comes from a place of genuine understanding and compassion, can be life changing.

It’s the reason why IMPACT Community Services values peer support workers.

Luke is one of IMPACT’s peer support workers who shared his story at our recent Annual Celebration in the hopes of helping others.

Working in the South Burnett, Luke left his job as a registered nurse after experiencing challenges with anxiety and stress.

While he wasn’t quite sure what the job with IMPACT meant from the advertisement, during the interview he realised he had something to offer through his lived experiences.

Luke said through his work at IMPACT, he couldn’t believe that he found a use for the challenges he had endured – to help others.

He said the work he does in peer support was one of the things he was proud to do.

“When I see that I’m actually helping others because I’ve shared my experience and I’ve been there, or I’ve been where they’re at and I’ve communicated that well and I can tell that’s helped them; that feels really good,” he said.

Luke said this work was also part of his own recovery journey which gave him the focus to continue and help others.

It’s people like Luke who personify our vision of improving lives at IMPACT.

Not only is his personal journey one of inspiring growth and courage, but it’s two-fold as he is using his time and understanding to help others improve their lives too.

To view Luke’s story or for more information on the support services available at IMPACT, visit our website.

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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