STRONGER TOGETHER: NDIS supports to make an IMPACT for Bundy community

By Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services' Managing Director

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya talks to the new NDIS programs being rolled out at IMPACT.

Connecting with others is one of the many ways people maintain a sense of belonging.

Sharing common interests or values usually forms the basis of most friendships, but some people find it harder to open up about their hobbies or passions to others.

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director
Tanya OShea IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

IMPACT Community Services understands that starting conversations can be more difficult for some, particularly those who are comfortable in their own company or people who live with a disability such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

To help establish these foundations IMPACT has created two new programs that are tailored to certain hobbies to provide an environment where the common interest between participants has already been identified.

The new Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) support program is currently taking expressions of interest, with a very keen NDIS participant eager to begin their role as the IMPACT Dungeon Master.

D&D is a fantasy storytelling game where players can take on roles and complete mystical battles against creatures to get themselves out of trouble.

While there are many online gamer options available to D&D enthusiasts, playing the game in-person provides a unique experience and creates an opportunity for social interaction between players.

The second support program called Lights, Camera, Action will teach photo and videoing digital skills to participants to help them connect better with not only themselves but with others.

Expressing individual creativity and exploring different visual mediums can be a communicative experience for an artist who may struggle voicing their thoughts, emotions, or views verbally.

Photo and video creation can also allow for others to connect to the work and feel seen or understood as well.

The Lights, Camera, Action program encourages social media to be used as a positive tool to express oneself while teaching safe use of the online platform.

Another fantastic service we have recently implemented is our new Psychosocial Recovery Coaching program.

This program offers a collaborative and holistic approach to mental health to eligible participants by building respectful relationships and providing essential day-to-day assistance, coaching, support, and resilience building.

Managing our mental health and wellness is so important, and having the right people to talk to can make a huge difference in our overall wellbeing.

The program also offers support coordination which connects all eligible NDIS participants to the wide range of services available within the broader community.

Our support workers consult with clients according to their plan and goals and match their needs to provide comprehensive support both at IMPACT and through external organisations.

To learn more about out suite of NDIS services, visit us on Wednesday June 30 as a local radio station performs a live broadcast from the front of our building.

You will be able to view Cooee and Manga artworks on display, and our NDIS staff will be available to speak about our various programs.

The IMPACT Community Choir will also be on deck and welcomes everyone to view their weekly rehearsal from 10am – 11am.

It’s going to be a great morning celebrating our NDIS community – don’t miss it!

Check out our NDIS services here and download our weekly calendar.

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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