New framework to help organisations combat Domestic and Family Violence in Bundaberg

While reducing Domestic and Family Violence is not a simple nor easy feat in the Bundaberg community, there are numerous organisations and professionals working to do just that.

And now, there is a Bundaberg-specific framework which professionals can use to streamline language, principles, tools, and strengthen their network of organisations by Working Together.

IMPACT is proud to have collaborated with Family Law Pathways and the Family Relationship Centre to create the Working Together Commitment.

Having launched the framework during Domestic and Family Violence Prevention month at IMPACT, Intensive Family Support manager Staci Rae said this tool outlines the way our community aims to cooperate with each other, stay focused and communicate more effectively.

She said there were about 25-30 people from various professional background – social work, health, council, and childcare – who attended the launch. 

“Collaboration is key to combating DFV in Bundaberg,” she said.

She said this commitment would work alongside the charter for children and young people’s wellbeing.

With high domestic violence rates in the community, Ms Rae said this framework is designed to support anyone who works with people in the community sector.

The recent launch provided an encouraging sign of dedication and hopefully reassurance for anyone who is experiencing or has experienced DFV, that they are not alone and there are people who can help.

For more information about the Working Together framework and how it could be integrated into your workplace, contact the Family Relationship Centre.

If you need help you can contact IMPACT’s IFS team on 4153 4233 between 8am and 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8am-4.30pm on Fridays.

Or phone one of the hotlines below if you need help now:

Domestic Violence Services

DV Connect: 1800 811 811

Edon Place: 4153 6820

Men’s Line: 1300 78 99 78

National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT).

For all other domestic violence related matters, phone Policelink on 131 444, 24 hours, 7 days a week .

Family and child safety

Child Safety Central Queensland Regional Intake Service (business hours): 1300 703 762

Child Safety (after hours): 1800 177 135

Family and Child Connect (FACC) 13 32 64 to share your concerns for families in your community.

Parenting/mental health support

Parentline: 1300 30 1300

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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