
Prep Transition Program Prepares Children for Positive Start at School

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Last updated: 21/03/2024

In a bustling room filled with colourful toys and the sounds of cheerful laughter, children are blossoming. Their curious minds explore, their tiny hands grasp, and friendships develop, in an environment where every interaction, every discovery, lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

The first five years are crucial for child growth and development, and IMPACT Community Services’ innovative Prep Transition Program offers a guiding hand to parents and their little ones, ensuring children get the best possible start in life.

As part of Positive Start Parenting, the Prep Transition Program identifies and addresses potential developmental issues early on, so parents can obtain wrap around support to access the required services to address their children’s needs.

Parents are actively involved from the outset, providing valuable input about their child's strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Through questionnaires and observations during playgroup sessions, parents and program coordinators collaboratively develop tailored plans to support each child's unique needs.

Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, a testament to the program's effectiveness in nurturing essential skills crucial for school readiness.

Ms Allen emphasised, “we want our little ones to be as ready as they can be prior to starting school.”

“We support our parents to have their child’s eye, teeth and hearing checks as well doing appropriate referrals to assess any developmental delays so that in the two years prior to starting prep, the children have access to the required therapies needed to improve their transition into school.”

Children identified as needing additional support are seamlessly connected with other vital resources and services, ensuring a holistic approach to their well-being. Whether it's referrals to specialised programs like Bushkids or the NDIS, or even facilitating developmental checks through partnerships with Child Health, every effort is made to provide comprehensive support for families.

But it's not just about the children; parents are also empowered through education and support. Workshops on effective parenting techniques, such as 1,2,3 Magic and Emotion Coaching and Bringing Up Great Kids, equip parents with the tools they need to foster healthy development in their children.

Parents are also encouraged to explore what it may look like for them once their child starts school. Coping with the separation, making new social connections, and possibly taking on some education or employment to enrich their own lives.

In the end, the Positive Start Parenting program isn't just about preparing children for school; it's about setting them on a trajectory for lifelong success. By investing in the crucial early years and empowering families, IMPACT Community Services is truly making a positive impact on the next generation.

To learn more about this program, call 1800 179 233, visit the Parenting Support page, or complete the Contact Us form.

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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