Integrated Health Service a game-changer for Discovery Coast healthcare

IMPACT Community Health Service’s (ICHS) new GP-led Integrated Health Service is off to a promising start since its launch on Monday, November 13, 2023.

Offering a range of GP, community health and allied health services that respond to the evolving healthcare needs of the growing Discovery Coast region, the service is ready to welcome new patients looking for high-quality and integrated healthcare.

Dr Dani Buchanan, a proud Agnes Water local with extensive experience in rural healthcare and emergency medicine, is thrilled with the progress of the service and the “great team” at ICHS.

“It’s going really well. We have a great clinic here with some very talented staff. The first couple of weeks were a steep learning curve, but we have been really well supported by the community,” he said.

“We’ve seen a mix of holidaymakers and locals, but as time is going on it’s becoming more locals as they come back for further appointments and news gets out there about what we offer. The last few weeks have been busier than I expected we would be. We still have room to grow and capacity to take on more patients.”

“The team is fabulous. We have a good morale and everyone wants to learn and get better. I’m looking forward to the project growing over the next couple of years into something that is really valuable for the community,” he added.

Pamela Mackie ICHS Practice Manager

ICHS Practice Manager, Pamela Mackie said, “We are delighted with the response from the community and the outcomes we have achieved so far.”

“The convenience and accessibility of having a GP within the community healthcare service is a game-changer. This holistic approach to healthcare integrates GP services with nursing and allied health, providing a one-stop solution for all healthcare needs.  Our community nursing and allied health services are available to support everyone in the community and referrals are accepted from any GP.”

Mrs Mackie also said the interior renovations of ICHS Building 1 were now complete. “The health service now boasts a modern new look and design that enhances the overall patient experience,” she said.

“The feedback so far has been so positive. People are loving the changes and the artwork on the wall is getting so many comments. I’ve been surprised by how many people want to go up and touch it,” said receptionist Veronica Daniel.

Nurse Kirsten James also praised Dr Dani Buchanan for his leadership and mentorship. “With Dr Dani it’s proving to be a really good opportunity to build my experience. He is so knowledgeable and happy to share what he knows. I’m learning every day. I love working with him and the rest of the team here,” she said.

IMPACT Community Health Service is committed to improving lives and empowering people through its range of services and programs. To make an appointment or find out more, visit

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