
STRONGER TOGETHER: Choosing You—Saying No to Others and Yes to Yourself

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"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses the journey of prioritising yourself, setting boundaries, and saying 'no'.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

In recent years, I've come to appreciate the delicate balance between giving and preserving my own well-being. For the longest time, I wore the badge of a people pleaser proudly, always saying yes even when my plate was already overflowing. It took a personal revelation and a conscious effort to realise that saying no is not a sign of weakness; rather, it is an assertion of self-worth and a key to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

In a world that often glorifies the word 'yes,' learning to say no has been a transformative journey for me. The turning point came when I was sitting in front of my computer, watching emails continue to drop in, and suddenly feeling an overwhelming tide of emotion rise within me. Not because I was feeling unsafe, unhappy, or unwell. To put it simply, I was drowning in commitments and obligations. Things that I had chosen to do, to keep others happy or to keep up with the demands of work, family, and personal aspirations. This will not be an unfamiliar story for many of you, yet many of us continue this merry go round of emotion until we reach the inevitable – burnout.

So, what is the secret to putting clear boundaries in place and saying no without feeling guilty? 

Embarking on the journey of prioritising yourself through saying no can be challenging, especially in the beginning. One of the keys to saying no assertively lies in understanding your priorities. Recognise your limits and be honest with yourself about what you can realistically handle. This self-awareness is crucial for maintaining your mental and emotional well-being.

Crafting a polite yet firm refusal is an essential skill. Instead of a flat-out rejection, consider expressing gratitude for the opportunity and then politely declining. For example, you could say, "I appreciate your trust in me for this project, but my current commitments won't allow me to give it the attention it deserves. I hope you understand." Or “Thank you for thinking of me, but I’ll have to pass this time.”

It's also essential to remember that saying no is not a rejection of the person making the request; it's a decision based on your own needs and priorities. Be assertive but empathetic, and most people will appreciate your honesty.

Creating a buffer is another effective strategy. If you find it challenging to say no outright, consider buying yourself some time. Respond with, "Let me check my schedule and get back to you." This gives you the opportunity to evaluate your commitments and make an informed decision.

Saying no is not about closing doors; it's about choosing the ones that lead to a balanced and fulfilling life. Embrace the power of no, set boundaries, and watch as your newfound assertiveness enhances both your personal and professional relationships.

Remember, by saying no, you are not just prioritising yourself; you are ensuring that when you do say yes, it is a commitment you can wholeheartedly fulfill.

Pictured from left to right is Hannah & Aria, who have been attending the Positive Start Program, and Dee Cosgrove (midwife).

In the heart of Bundaberg, is a dedicated midwife and registered nurse, whose extensive experience is shaping the way mothers and families experience pregnancy and early parenthood.

Meet Bundy local, Dee Cosgrove.

With a compassionate touch and a wealth of knowledge, Dee is a guiding light for those navigating the beautiful yet challenging journey of pregnancy and childbirth through IMPACT Community Services through Foundations for Life program, as well as at the Bundaberg Base Hospital Family Unit.

“I love working with the mums and bubs and the little families” she said, acknowledging that the journey often involves the entire family.

IMPACT’s Foundations for Life, held every Thursday, is an initiative aimed at enhancing access to high-quality antenatal and postnatal care for vulnerable women under 25 and their partners in the Bundaberg region during pregnancy and for up to 6 weeks post-partum.

Dee understands the importance of quality time and personalised care and appreciates the unique opportunity that Foundations for Life offers.

“It gives me a way to be able to connect and just spend more quality time with the ladies.”

The program goes beyond addressing the physical aspects of childbirth, encompassing tailored support and education, and fostering collaborative partnerships.

She captured the essence of her work with a profound statement that reflects the holistic nature of the program as it looks to nurture confident and informed parents: “It’s not just babies that are born, it’s parents that are born as well.”

Dee’s dedication to fostering connections and building confidence among expectant mothers and families reflects the broader goal of IMPACT Community Services — creating healthier and brighter futures for young families.

“It’s just a lovely service, and a privilege to help ladies to connect and become more confident.”

For more information about IMPACT Community Services Foundations for Life program, please visit Foundations For Life - Impact Community Services or call 07 4153 4233.

In 2020, Rick Gill faced a life-altering moment when a serious back injury at work led to severe anxiety and depression. Admitting that "it got pretty bad," Rick, who had experienced the toll of manual labour and management stresses, realised he needed a change.

"60-70-hour weeks and I just kept pushing till it ended up costing me three years of my life," Rick said.

Despite early signs of depression and anxiety, Rick's old-school approach led him to internalise his struggles, ultimately landing him in hospital.

Taking matters into his own hands, Rick sought a new path. Little did he know that this journey would lead him to a fulfilling career in the disability support industry.

Sharing his story to promote Disability Action Week (November 25 to December 2), Rick said he began with a commitment to self-improvement. It was a journey that connected him with the training team at IMPACT Community Services.

Attending an information day, Rick met Gay, Michelle, and Katie, setting the stage for a participation in a Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability).

Reflecting on his training experience with IMPACT, Rick commended the support he received.

“Given that I was going through what I was going through, and I didn’t even tell Gay about the depression and stuff. I had told her I’d had a back injury, but she just got it somehow,” Rick said.

"But it wasn’t just me. She was able to engage with the entire class on a personal level, which kept us all plugging through it."

Now employed in the disability support industry, Rick said it had been one of the most rewarding things he’d ever done.

While the journey to overcome depression and anxiety continues, he finds fulfillment in his work.

“This is the best medicine. When I do something for someone, it makes me feel better, so essentially, it’s part of my healing.”

"I'm not out of the woods yet, but I'm kind of good with that," Rick said, recognising the ongoing nature of his mental health journey.

He encouraged others to explore opportunities working with people with disabilities.

"If someone reads this and thinks, 'I'm in a similar situation, maybe I should reach out,' it's worth it," Rick said.

“You hear about people saying it’s not a job if you love it. You always hear it, but you don’t believe it until you’re in that position. I do actually look forward to coming to work.”

That’s what working in the disability sector enables.

If you want to find out more IMPACT’s training pathways, visit Certificate III Training Courses - Impact Community Services.

IMPACT is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO code: 0115).

It’s a big period of change for IMPACT Community Services’ Amy Griffiths.

As the new Team Leader of IMPACT’s Family Mental Health Support Services (FMHSS) in Hervey Bay, Amy is also looking forward to becoming an Australian citizen and using her skills and experience to help children and families in the region.

The FMHSS aims to improve mental health outcomes for children and young people, and their families, by providing early intervention support, short-term assistance, and community outreach and education.

IMPACT, which has successfully operated FMHSS in Bundaberg for 15 years, has recently taken over the contract to provide this vital service to the Hervey Bay and Fraser Coast region.

Last financial year, IMPACT’s FMHHS supported 110 short term and 39 long term clients, as well as an additional 342 people through group and community forum sessions.

Amy, who moved to Australia from New Zealand and fell in love with the Fraser Coast, is passionate about working with the youth and helping them overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

She will be based at the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre, where she and the FMHSS team will work closely with other community organisations and stakeholders to deliver the FMHSS program.

"I'm so excited. It's where my heart is, working with the youth...it's where my passion is," Amy said.

The FMHSS welcomes referrals from families, schools, health professionals, and other agencies and can be contacted by calling 0473 533 491, or visiting the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre, 22 Charles Street, Pialba.

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya reflects on the unpredictability of life's challenges, discussing fear and compassion, and emphasises the significance of approaching others' responses to fear with empathy and understanding.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

Imagine this: you find yourself on the 43rd floor of a building in an unfamiliar city, sound asleep, when suddenly you're jolted awake by a blaring alarm in your room. Disoriented and unsure of the time, you contemplate your next move.

First, you step outside in your pyjamas to see if others on your floor are reacting. No smoke, no commotion, and no armed individuals in sight. You decide there's no immediate danger or urgency—or that everyone has already been evacuated and you’re late to the party—so you take a moment to put on some pants. While slipping into jeans, you open the curtains to peer into the dark outside, finding no signs of movement or life. The alarm persists, but you stand still, thinking only, "Damn, that alarm is loud."

As your brain finally kicks into gear, you grab your room key and head out the door, now on the lookout for the stairwell exit. Ignoring the internal voice cautioning against using the lift in an emergency, you press the lift button. Still, no sign of another soul, and you start feeling like the last survivor in a post-apocalyptic scenario. You press the lift button frantically until the doors finally open. No smoke, no immediate signs of danger, it is safe to exit. Wait, that’s an emergency evacuation from a plane. Damn. The doors close again. Mind racing, what to do, what to do. Eventually, you press the down arrow, get in, and the lift stops on the 10th floor. The door opens, but no one is there, kicking the apocalypse story into overdrive.

Reaching ground level, the lift doors open to a long corridor. The alarm persists, but you spot about 15 people gathered around the front entrance of the building. You breathe a sigh of relief as you realise that you are safe, and calmly exit the elevator, thankful you took the time to put on pants.

Heading across the street, you wait to see what unfolds. It’s at this point you realise you can’t see anything more than 10 metres in front of you because you forgot to put on your glasses, and you have no idea what time it is because you aren’t wearing your watch and didn’t grab your phone. Over the 10–15-minute period that followed, people casually exit the building, some geared up for a run, others ready to walk their dogs. Clearly, they’re accustomed to this routine.

I would love to be able to tell you that this tale was one from my youth, at a time when I was naïve and unprepared for the unexpected events that life occasionally throws at us. The reality, however, is this happened to me last week. After a life filled with unexpected turns and challenges, I found myself on the street with nothing but the clothes on my back.

I share this story because fear is a funny thing.  For some, fears are something to be avoided, overcome, minimised, or simply ignored. Fear can also shine a light on something that we need to learn or discover about ourselves.  In that moment, I was unprepared, and it's tempting to blame the situation—unfamiliar surroundings, an early wake-up, and a deafening alarm. Waking up in an unknown place tilted my world, and fear momentarily shut down my rational thinking. Thankfully, there was no Ant Middleton scrutinising my decisions, or his head might have exploded given some of my choices in those early hours (SAS fans will know what I’m talking about).

It is easy to judge others for the poor decisions they make when faced with fear. Sometimes, because a situation is so familiar to us, we don’t appreciate the fear that the same situation may create for others. The calm exit of some from a potentially alarming situation may not signify complacency but rather a unique approach to managing fear.

My experience last week was a gentle (but “alarming”) reminder to approach fear with an open mind and heart—let us not only be considerate of our own perceptions but also empathetic and compassionate toward others.

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses mind-wandering, how it contributes to unhappiness, and effective techniques for fostering focus and mindfulness.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

Have you noticed that despite being physically present in a meeting, your mind seems to have its own agenda, exploring vast landscapes of unrelated ideas? Or experienced the sensation of being physically present at your desk, yet your mind seems to be on a journey of its own, in a world far, far away from the task at hand? You’re not alone.

Research indicates that, on average, individuals spend nearly half of their waking hours with their minds drifting away from the present task. Contrary to the assumption that daydreaming provides a mental escape leading to contentment, studies show that this mind-wandering is associated with decreased levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

Mind wandering, far from being a consequence of unhappiness, is identified as a significant contributing factor. When our minds constantly shift from the present moment, it becomes challenging to fully engage with and appreciate the task at hand. This lack of engagement not only hampers productivity but also diminishes the quality of experiences, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction.

The prevalence of distractions in our modern, hyper-connected world further exacerbates the issue. The constant influx of notifications, emails, and the allure of social media provides ample opportunities for the mind to wander, pulling attention away from the present and hindering the cultivation of a contented state of mind.

This challenge has led to the development of tools and techniques aimed at fostering focus and mindfulness. One such tool gaining popularity is the Focus Mate app, which pairs users with virtual accountability partners for dedicated work sessions. This collaborative approach has been shown to significantly reduce distractions and enhance productivity.

Another effective method is the Pomodoro Technique, a time-management method that breaks work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. This structured approach helps maintain focus and prevents the mind from aimlessly drifting.

In my own experience, I've found that cultivating mindfulness has had a profound impact on my overall well-being. I would often grapple with the challenge of staying present but implementing the Pomodoro Technique has been a game-changer, allowing me to channel my energy into focused bursts of productivity.

By incorporating tools like Focus Mate and adopting strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, we can reclaim control over our attention and, in turn, enhance our overall satisfaction with life. In a world that constantly vies for our attention, the ability to stay present may well be the key to a happier, more fulfilling existence.

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses World Kindness Day on Monday, 13th November and the small changes we can make to be kinder to ourselves.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

The month of November is most widely recognised for ‘Movember’, where men take pride in growing (often not very good looking) moustaches to increase awareness for men’s mental health. Now while this is incredibly important, I would like to draw your attention to something a little less known, more specifically, World Kindness Day, celebrated this year on Monday, the 13th of November.

Often, we consider kindness as something that we share with others, almost like a commodity that is traded or becomes the star of an Instagram feed. But what if we flipped it into something that we did not prioritise sharing on socials, or with others. What if, kindness was celebrated this year, as something that we showed towards ourselves?

Too often, I hear the way people refer to themselves or their thoughts in an unkind and uncompassionate way. Berating themselves with a fierce barrage of scathing attacks that slowly erodes their confidence, their self-esteem, and their ability to follow their dreams and back themselves. Sometimes, their unkindness spirals from ruminating thoughts about what they could or should have done, to comparing themselves to others. Their haves and have nots, fears for their future or a lack of belief in being able to create the future that they want for themselves or their family.

Changing this negative self-talk takes time, motivation, and daily practice. But there is something that you can do today that will set the wheels in motion.

The irresistible urge to reach for our devices has become an integral part of our waking ritual, almost as instinctual as the cup of coffee. In effect, we are handing over the remote control to our thoughts, feelings, and emotions to someone else from the time we open our eyes.

But there is another way. Tonight, I encourage you to take your phone into a room other than where you sleep to charge it. Put your notifications onto silent.  Okay, enough with the eyerolling - stay with me. Instead of turning over in the morning to check your phone, consider using the first eight minutes of your day to sit quietly and set your intention for the day. Imagine what this intention, this thing, looks like, feels like, sounds like. What thoughts come up for you when you imagine it happening for you.

Creating time and space for ourselves to imagine what is possible before we get interrupted by life – that is the pinnacle of kindness towards self. Visualising our hopes, aspirations, ambitions, and dreams first up in the morning and then allowing them to gradually grow and manifest from dreams to reality.  

There are lots of excuses we can make about why we can’t do this. My challenge to you is to instead put time and energy into thinking about all the ways that you can. I promise you that it is worth it.  Personally, my miracle morning practice has left me feeling more grounded, more focused, and notably less stressed. By taking control of the beginning of my day, I set a more positive and intentional tone for what follows.

So, this World Kindness Day, I challenge you to do this one thing for yourself. Break free from the habitual morning phone check, reclaim your mornings, and take back control of your life. The positive difference it could make may just surprise you.

IMPACT Community Health Service (ICHS) is excited to announce that residents can now book their appointments online for the opening of its new GP-led Integrated Health Service on Monday, November 13.

This marks a significant milestone in ICHS’s commitment to providing comprehensive, patient-centred care to the Discovery Coast community.

The Integrated Health Service, led by Clinical Lead Dr Dani Buchanan, offers a range of GP, community health and allied health services tailored to meet the evolving healthcare needs of the region’s community. This service has been designed to offer a comprehensive place-based model of health and social care, ensuring that it aligns seamlessly with the unique needs of the growing Discovery Coast region.

“We believe that this integrated approach, led by a dedicated team of professionals, will empower our community to lead healthier, happier lives,” said Pamela Mackie, ICHS Practice Manager.

The convenience and accessibility of having a GP within the community healthcare service cannot be overstated. This holistic approach to healthcare integrates GP services with nursing and allied health, providing a one-stop solution for all healthcare needs.

Mrs Mackie also said the interior renovations of ICHS Building 1 were now complete.

“The health service now boasts a modern new look and design that enhances the overall patient experience,” she said.

Residents can now book their appointments at https://ichs.org.au/.

Dr Dani Buchanan, a proud Agnes Water local with extensive experience in rural healthcare and emergency medicine, is looking forward to getting started with the “great team” at ICHS.

“I’m looking forward to the project growing over the next couple of years into something that is really valuable for the community,” he said.

For more information about IMPACT Community Health Service and its new GP-led Integrated Health Service, please visit https://ichs.org.au/.

Lee Davey, a vital member of IMPACT Community Services’ award-winning Containers for Change team, is poised to shatter collection records this summer.

Recently honoured as the Small Operator of the Year at the 2023 Changemaker Awards, IMPACT’s dedicated team is all set for a significant expansion of the Containers for Change Scheme. This expansion, effective from November 1, now includes wine and spirit bottles.

The scheme, which refunds 10 cents for each eligible bottle, has already returned more than $630 million since its launch in 2018.

Lee and her team are committed to providing excellent service at IMPACT’s two Container Refund Points located at 417 Windermere Rd, Qunaba and 78 University Drive, Bundaberg.

Tanya O’Shea, IMPACT’s Managing Director, shares Lee’s excitement about the scheme’s expansion.

“We know summer is always the busiest time of the year for our CRP teams and with the expansion we think this year will be the busiest yet,” Mrs O’Shea said.

“It benefits both our environment and community. By recycling with IMPACT, you’re making a difference in multiple ways.”

Operating two strategically placed Container Refund Points as part of its Recycling Social Enterprise, IMPACT champions environmental sustainability while also promoting community growth by providing employment opportunities for about 25 supported employees.

“Our Container Refund Points are more than just recycling centres,” Mrs O’Shea explained.

“They’re spaces where environmental care intersects with community support.”

To simplify the recycling process, IMPACT encourages everyone to download the Containers for Change app. For information on how to do this go to www.containersforchange.com.au/

For more information about IMPACT's Container Refund Points, visit Containers for Change - Impact Community Services

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses perfectionism, social media, and the toll it takes on our mental health.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

In today's digitally connected world, social media has become a stage where many of us showcase curated versions of our lives. Picturesque vacations, flawless selfies, and tales of unending success often dominate our feeds. However, the truth is that appearances on social media can be profoundly deceiving. Beneath those seemingly perfect lives lie complexities that may never make it to the Instagram grid or the Facebook wall.

As I reflect on this, I am reminded of a friend whose online presence always seemed enviable. Her posts were a collage of impeccable moments – stunning travel photos, impressive career achievements, and seemingly flawless relationships. Her life appeared to be the epitome of perfection. But as we got closer, I began to see a different story unfold.

The facade of her perfect life on social media masked the emotional struggles she endured. The pressure to maintain that illusion of perfection took a toll on her mental health. Her achievements were hard-won and came at the expense of countless sleepless nights. The beautiful travel pictures did not capture the moments of loneliness and homesickness she experienced while abroad. The seemingly perfect relationship she presented had its share of conflicts and compromises.

In the age of filters and selective sharing, it's crucial to remember that what we see on social media is often only a fragment of someone's reality. The pursuit of perfection can lead us to filter their lives, hiding their vulnerabilities and challenges behind a carefully crafted facade. It's a stark reminder that comparing our lives to others' highlight reels can be a fruitless and disheartening endeavour.

Perfectionism, whether driven by personal standards or the pressure to meet external expectations, often plays a role in perpetuating these misleading appearances. The desire to present oneself as flawless can lead to a disconnect between our real experiences and the image projected online.

So, what's the takeaway in this era of picture-perfect profiles? First, it's essential to approach social media with a critical eye and an understanding that appearances can be deceiving. Remember that most people share their best moments while leaving the rest unspoken. Second, it's vital to practice self-compassion. Embrace the imperfections and acknowledge that nobody's life is devoid of challenges.

The next time you find yourself scrolling through a friend's feed, marvelling at their seemingly ideal life, remember that beneath the filters and perfectly crafted posts lies a human being with their own set of struggles and triumphs. After all, the pursuit of perfection may be an admirable endeavour, but it's essential to remember that perfection is not a requirement for happiness or success. In embracing the authenticity beneath the facade, we find a path to genuine connection and personal growth.

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses the introduction of a new IMPACT Hall of Fame initiative, recognising long-serving staff that live the IMPACT vision and values.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

As I was preparing my speech for our annual celebration over the past week, I found myself searching for inspiration. This may seem strange, especially given the nature of our work and the fact that we were honoured with the presence of five-time Olympian Nat Cook as guest speaker at our annual celebration.

At the time, I didn't have a clear idea of what I was looking for, but I was confident I'd know it when I saw it. I searched through quotes, journals, and blogs, hoping to stumble upon an idea that could serve as the focal point.

I found an overwhelming number of search results online about change –289 million to be exact. Of course, I didn't go through all of them, but I did get through a few pages. While there were some good one’s, nothing really stood out.

And then last week at our bi-monthly All Staff Teams meeting, there were all these familiar names and friendly faces in front of me. On that day we had over 70 staff from across all our sites. Aside from the usual updates and meeting formalities, we always dedicate time to sharing positive and uplifting stories.

We do this deliberately because we know that after a while, we can become desensitised and take for granted the ‘specialness’ of the work that we do. We often overlook the significance of our clients’ achievements, the choices they make, and the change they create.

It was in that moment I realised I had fallen into the same trap, taking for granted the amazing work that our people were doing to inspire change daily. The inspiration I had been seeking was, in fact, right there in front of me all along.

2023 has been a big year, probably the toughest in my time working with IMPACT. And that is saying something because there have been some doozies over the years. Since walking through the door of what was then Bundaberg Skills Centre on the 15 November 1999, it has been a baptism of fire for this former bank johnnie with no experience in working in the not-for-profit sector.

Over the years, our team has ridden the highs and lows together, with unwavering commitment to the vision of improving lives. There are no words to express my gratitude for their support and the inspiration that they give to me through their actions and the work that they do. I feel genuinely blessed to work with our people – watch them develop, learn, grow, get frustrated, grow a bit more, and when they are ready, they leave us to try new things.

Yet there are those special few that believe so much in the work that we do that they decide to stay and make their IMPACT job their career. They live the vision, the values, the mission, they are inspired by the change that they see within their clients. And sometimes, even within themselves.

This year, we have had 5 of our long serving staff decide to call time with IMPACT. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Daniel Leary, Sharelle Steinback, Steve Beer, Wendy Lindeman and Tim Van Kooten for the change that you have inspired during your combined 95 years of service and thank you for the legacy that you have created.

These good people have ridden some of the biggest, most challenging waves with IMPACT and in their personal lives. Yet, all of them have remained steady. They have carved out their own unique journey with IMPACT, yet their joint experience brings richness, connection, and a knowing that they have committed a huge part of their work life to making a difference to something bigger than themselves.

To celebrate this legacy, and those who went before them, I am pleased to announce that IMPACT has created a Hall of Fame, which will celebrate and immortalise staff who have left the organisation and contributed a minimum 15 years of service. The Hall of Fame will serve as a lasting tribute, preserving their IMPACT, showcasing the enduring legacy they've left behind, and inspiring us to continue ‘improving lives’ as we step into the IMPACT Community Services building each day.

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses the complex and sensitive subject of trauma.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

“Words matter because clarity in words is a part of clarity in thinking, and because some words carry great emotional and symbolic weight, and thus should be not used lightly.” —Jeffrie G. Murphy

These words resonate deeply in today's context with increasing awareness around the importance of mental well-being, specifically regarding psychological trauma and the devastating impact that it can have on individuals, families and even communities.

Almost daily we hear people referring to trauma, sometimes even using it to label or explain another person’s experience. Let’s call this out early: unless you are a mental health professional or have lived experience, we should not label other people’s experiences. One person's experience of trauma can vastly differ from another's.

It is easy to understand why trauma has become somewhat of a catchphrase today. For too long, people have struggled to share their experience, perhaps even feeling misunderstood, unheard, or invalidated when speaking up or sharing openly that they are not coping. Sharing that you or someone you know is traumatised however, is not as easy to ignore.

Sometimes we feel stuck, uncertain if what we have gone through, or are going through, is trauma. It is a loaded word, often used to explain the discomfort or pain that we are experiencing. And sometimes, it is even used to justify poor behaviour that has resulted in a negative impact or outcome. 

Trauma is an ever-evolving field, and this article has a limited word count so let’s keep things super simple. Trauma literally means ‘wound, injury or shock’ and is the emotional, psychological, and physiological residue resulting from a stressful event.

Simple trauma is often overwhelming and painful, and rarely would anyone who has experienced simple trauma, refer to it as ‘simple.’ It is often a single event, something that may be life-threatening or cause serious injury, and may include things like natural disasters, car accidents or being the victim of a crime such as a rape or home invasion.

In comparison, complex trauma goes beyond a one-off incident and generally includes multiple incidents over a longer duration. Complex trauma tends to be repeated, may be difficult or impossible to escape from, may occur within a personal relationship or may begin as early as childhood, and can be something that an individual carries with them through to adulthood. People who experience complex trauma often feel disconnected from the support of others.

Even though simple and complex trauma are similar in many ways, they have some important differences. One thing to highlight is the element of shame and secrecy that often accompanies complex trauma. Simple trauma is usually validated, sometimes through acknowledgement, media coverage or recognition from family, friends, law enforcement or other societal systems.

In comparison, complex trauma is ongoing, with very little opportunity to recover before the pattern is repeated. It often occurs in secrecy and may be accompanied by threats and behaviours that compromise the safety of individuals or others within their family.

Irrespective of the type of trauma, unresolved symptoms such as anxiety, sleep problems, low energy, fatigue or an overreliance on drugs and alcohol will have an adverse effect on an individual’s mental and physical health and wellbeing. As a community we therefore have a responsibility not to offer responses that are unhelpful, judge or blame victims as this further disempowers them and leaves them a target of ongoing threats, violation, or violence. 

Trauma, and the reactions of others, can have lasting effects on a person's mental and physical health. However, it doesn't have to shape their future. Trauma can be treated, and if you or someone you know can relate to the content here, it is important to seek support. With the right support and guidance, the challenges of trauma can be overcome.

If you would like more information about trauma, jump on and check out the resources at blue knot: https://blueknot.org.au/resources/blue-knot-fact-sheets/talking-about-trauma/

If you've ever dreamt of embarking on epic quests, battling dragons, and weaving tales of heroism, this is your call to adventure.

In the enchanting world of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), where imagination takes flight and fantasy worlds come to life, a new and exciting adventure is about to unfold. Introducing IMPACT Community Services’ new D&D group tailored specifically for individuals on the autism spectrum, and led by our newly crowned Dungeon Master, Trent.

Meet Dungeon Master Trent

Trent began his D&D journey at the age of just 13 years, when his dad dragged him along to his role-playing group.

“He wanted me to be able to develop my social skills, get out there, express myself a bit more, and just have some fun.”

“My first character was basically a centaur ranger, which is basically a person who has a bow and arrow to do combat. Working out the mathematics to jump from rock hill to rock hill, covering my teammates while they’re trying to cast spells or getaway is my jam.”

Now, as Dungeon Master, Trent is responsible for crafting and narrating the game world, controlling non-player characters, setting challenges, and facilitating the overall gaming experience for the players. In essence, he is both a storyteller and a referee, responsible for weaving a compelling narrative while ensuring a fair and engaging gaming experience.

What truly sets this group, and the Dungeon Master himself, apart however, is the unwavering commitment to ensuring that every player feels supported, heard, valued, and empowered to embark on their epic quests.

“Ideally you want to sit with your group and discuss what they want to see in the game. I will then approach each player independently to discuss their character arc. Some like their character to be on a journey of self-growth, while others just like to wing it and see what happens.”

Join the Adventure Now!

For more information, or to become a part of IMPACT’s D&D Group and immerse yourself in the magic, contact the NDIS team at IMPACT on 07 4326 3607. Alternatively, visit the IMPACT Community Services NDIS page.  

The group's size will be limited to four players, allowing space for the inclusion of two support workers. This arrangement ensures that each participant receives the necessary level of support and assistance. Players must have an NDIS plan to join.

D&D will be held at IMPACT’s newly opened TechHaven, at IMPACT Community Services. A specific day and time is yet to be decided, and will be flexible depending on the availability of the Dungeon Master and players.

Your adventure awaits. Embrace the journey. Forge connections. Unleash your potential.

IMPACT Community Health Service (ICHS) is thrilled to announce the launch of its GP-led Integrated Health Service, which will offer a range of GP, community health and allied health services tailored to meet the evolving healthcare needs of the Discovery Coast community. Dr Dani Buchanan has been appointed by IMPACT Community Services as Clinical Lead to the project.

ICHS’s GP led Integrated Health Service has been designed to offer a comprehensive place-based model of health and social care, ensuring that it aligns seamlessly with the unique needs of the growing Discovery Coast region. Complementing the existing array of services provided by ICHS, the Integrated Health Service will serve as a cornerstone in delivering tailored healthcare solutions to the local population now and as it evolves into the future.

The Integrated Health Service will open on Monday 13 November.

Pamela Mackie, ICHS Practice Manager, expressed her enthusiasm for this significant development, stating, "The launch of our GP led Integrated Health Service marks a pivotal moment in our commitment to enhancing healthcare access and quality within the Discovery Coast region. We believe that this integrated approach, led by a dedicated team of professionals, will empower our community to lead healthier, happier lives."

Dr Dani Buchanan, a proud Agnes Water local, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role as Clinical Lead of ICHS’s Integrated Health Service. Dr. Dani's journey from naturopathy to medicine, combined with his extensive experience in rural healthcare and emergency medicine, makes him an invaluable asset to the community. His passion for general practice, chronic disease management, and emergency care aligns perfectly with ICHS’s mission to provide evolving healthcare solutions for the local community.

Dr Dani said he was looking forward to joining the “great team” at ICHS, stating, "I'm looking forward to the project growing over the next couple of years into something that is really valuable for the community."

"STRONGER TOGETHER" is a weekly column where Tanya explores key issues. This week Tanya discusses the different types of mental health professionals and the services they offer.

By IMPACT Community Services Managing Director Tanya O'Shea

Tanya O'Shea, IMPACT Community Services Managing Director

Life can throw some significant challenges and hurdles at us, so getting access to the mental health support and help that we need, when we need it, is important.

Yet when it comes to getting help, who do I need to see?

This is a common question and can be frustrating and overwhelming for many of us. However, the bigger concern is that it is even tricker to navigate if you are experiencing mental health symptoms and have not asked for help before.

In today’s column, I therefore wanted to demystify the different types of mental health professionals and the services that they can provide. It can be challenging to understand the nuances between the various types of mental health professionals, but it’s essential to know what each one does so that you can get the help you need. Let’s dive in!

Psychiatrists are medically trained doctors who specialise in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses. They can prescribe medication and provide therapy.

Psychotherapists are trained in a range of therapies to improve mental wellbeing, including shifting unhelpful patterns of thinking, or overcoming emotional challenges. They provide therapy and counselling, but they cannot prescribe medication.

Psychologists are degree-qualified and trained to assess, diagnose, and treat mental illnesses. Clinical psychologists have a Masters or Doctorate and focus on the diagnosis and treatment of more complex mental health conditions. They both provide therapy and counselling, but they cannot prescribe medication.

Counsellors are generally diploma qualified, and are trained to help people with personal problems such as relationship issues, trauma, or grief. They provide counselling and support, but they cannot assess, diagnose, or treat mental illness and they cannot prescribe medication.

Peer workers are people who have lived experience with mental illness, and ideally are qualified with a Certificate IV Peer Work. They provide support and guidance to others who are going through similar experiences, including role modelling behaviour. They can also link you with higher level clinical supports if needed.

Support workers are qualified at minimum through a Certificate III in Support and provide emotional support to individuals experiencing mental health concerns.

Now, what about the Mental Health Care Plan that I have heard people talking about?

To obtain one, you'll start by visiting your GP. They will assess your mental health needs and, if necessary, refer you to the appropriate mental health professional. Your GP will work collaboratively with you to create a personalised Mental Health Care Plan. This plan typically includes a specific number of subsidised sessions with mental health professionals, and may involve psychologists, counsellors, or psychiatrists, (or maybe even a mix) depending on your individual needs.

As Mental Health Month unfolds, remember that seeking help is a commendable (and courageous) step toward a healthier, happier you. Mental health professionals are here to support you, and they recognise that your wellbeing is a priority.

Please note: This website may contain references to, or feature images, videos, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have passed away.

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