Jasmyne teaches the secrets of memorable customer service

New Hospitality trainer and assessor Jasmyne Larter is helping people transform their lives at IMPACT.

IMPACT Community Services' Hospitality Trainer Jasmyne Larter
IMPACT Community Services Hospitality Trainer Jasmyne Larter

Jasmyne is a chef by trade, and has owned and run two cafes, making her perfectly suited as a hospitality trainer and assessor with IMPACT, which is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO code: 0115).

Jasmyne fears we're in danger of becoming a lazy order-in society when it comes to food, and that is why she focuses on teaching good customer service.

“You remember bad service, but you also remember good service,” Jasmyne said.

“If you know you're going to be treated well, you'll make the effort to go out.”

Jasmyne said the secret to good customer service included confidence.

“Confidence is so important,” she said.

“But you also have to be willing to learn how to relate to people.”

Already two of Jasmyne’s students, who've grown considerably in confidence and learned the magic of connecting to people, have found employment.

“And it's fantastic how IMPACT staff all pitched in to help with writing resumes, and now they've both gotten jobs,” she said.

Jasmyne said it was vital to teach students how to treat people with respect and courtesy to help create the right atmosphere.

And she loves the way the course brings people out of their shells.

“It only takes a little encouragement to transform someone into a confident service person,” she said.

“Anyone can make a cup of coffee or serve a piece of cake, but it's all about learning how you make people feel.”

Funding support is available for the Certificate III course for eligible participants. Find out more about IMPACT’s hospitality course by calling 4153 4233 or going to https://impact.org.au/employment-training/certificate-iii-training-courses/certificate-iii-hospitality-2/

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